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July 25, 2024       Share:    


U.S.: We See No Role for Hamas in Governance of Post-War Gaza

(U.S. State Department) U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller on Tuesday referred to China's announcement that Hamas and Fatah had signed an agreement for a unity government at a meeting in Beijing. "Hamas is a terrorist organization - something that we obviously made clear before October 7th. But when it comes to governance of Gaza at the end of the conflict, there can't be a role for a terrorist organization." "Hamas has not renounced terrorism; it has not renounced the use of violence to achieve its political aims; it has not renounced the destruction of the State of Israel....So no, we do not see an organization that believes in those tactics and believes in carrying out terrorism as a suitable organization to govern the Palestinian people." "If you look at the death and destruction that Hamas's decision to launch the attacks of October 7th has brought on Gaza, there's no one that has brought more pain and suffering to the people in Gaza than Hamas through their decisions, first to launch the attacks of October 7th, and then their ongoing decision, which continues today, to hide among civilian communities and use civilians as human shields."

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