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July 25, 2024       Share:    


Netanyahu's Existential Mission to Mobilize the West Against Iranian Aggression

(Jerusalem Post) Dr. Dan Diker - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday was his fourth congressional address. He seeks to warn the West of Iran's intention and capability, under a nuclear umbrella, of destabilizing Israel, the Middle East, and the West. His challenge is to convey the Islamic Republic of Iran's hybrid warfare strategy to the American people. Iran uses perception warfare and terror proxy warfare, exploiting the Palestinian issue as the ultimate weapon against both Israel and its U.S. ally. Iran's propaganda machine has penetrated the U.S. political and public discourse, flooding social networks with bots and avatars to influence the American people against Israel and in favor of Hamas, on direct orders from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Iran's terror proxies are circling Israel in a ring of fire from Hamas in Gaza to Hizbullah and Syrian militias to Houthi killer drones in Tel Aviv. Houthi drones and rockets have virtually shut down traffic in the Suez Canal. Netanyahu's challenge is to help U.S. leaders, the American people, and the West understand that Israel and its allies must work closely together to defeat Iran's terror proxy network. No less important, they must work towards regime change in Tehran. The writer is president of the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs.

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