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July 25, 2024       Share:    


The Duping of America

(Times of Israel) Irwin Mansdorf - The war against the West led by Iran is not only a war in the conventional sense, but also a war where psychological ploys are used to target Americans who may not be aware they are being used to further Iranian interests. The playbook for protests regarding the war in Gaza has created a somewhat absurd link between the interests of radical Islam and the ideology of progressive human rights by transforming Gaza from a terror entity bent on the ethnic cleansing of Jews into a victim of colonialism and genocide by the Jewish state. While the progressives believe they are supporting social justice, they are, in reality, being manipulated and exploited by the most extreme illiberal elements in society who would not tolerate their presence in their own societies. So we see "Queers for Palestine" supporting Gaza, a place where queers cannot exist, and women's organizations criticizing Israeli "apartheid," while gender apartheid continues unabated in Arab society. This is all part of a planned program of psychological warfare that has linked the wants of progressives with the needs of radical Islamists. One psychological trap is an ideology that holds that "all people" are the same and that "all people" value and want freedom. While this may be true in the West, it is woefully out of touch with the Middle East, where tribal loyalties and religious thinking carry far more weight. The writer is a clinical psychologist and a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs specializing in political psychology.

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