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The DNC - Like Most of the U.S. - Stands with Israel
(Newsweek) Daniel Rosen - If mainstream media predictions had borne out, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago would have been rocked by massive demonstrations from anti-Israel protesters. Fake news. Americans really stand with Israel. The Democratic Party was expected to face a large number of people expressing their displeasure with President Biden's support for Israel, urging the U.S. to abandon its alliance with the Jewish state. This didn't happen. It has now become clear through both party conventions that the American people reject Hamas and the ideology that would make excuses for that terrorist band. They recognize who is to blame for the war in the Middle East. Polls consistently show that a significant majority of Americans support Israel and its right to defend itself against terrorism. Both parties have already voted in unity on one topic - Americans stand as one with Israel. The writer is President of the American Jewish Congress.