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Egypt Eyes Iran's Overtures with Suspicion
[Los Angeles Times] Jeffrey Fleishman - Iran has made a series of overtures in recent months to restore full diplomatic relations with Egypt, while Cairo has remained coolly noncommittal. Iran needs Egypt to further extend Tehran's influence and legitimacy in the Middle East. Iranian policies, however, have led to regional instability that has often infuriated the Egyptians. "Iran wants Egypt to say that its peace treaty with Israel is dead," said Sadr Hussiani, founder of the Tehran-based Iran-Egypt Friendship Council. "I think we won't be talking about prospects for the resumption of relations but a clear confrontation between the two countries and an escalation of tension," said Mohamed Abdel Salam, an expert with the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo. "Iran acts as if it was already in control of the Middle East; it has controlled Iraq, and it is about to control Lebanon."