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Amir Taheri

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Hamas and the Delusion of Victory2014-September-08
Countering Iraq's ISIS Challenge2014-September-01
In Most Muslim Countries There Is Little Support for Hamas2014-July-31
The Mad Dream of a Dead Empire that Unites Islamic Rebels2014-June-16
Moving Beyond the "Peace Process" 2014-May-01
Syria War Victory Seen as Key to Iran's Leadership of Muslim World2014-March-28
Handing the Middle East to Russia2014-February-17
Rouhani Approves Execution of Arab-Iranian Poet2014-February-04
The Geneva Deal Is Designed to Circumvent UN Resolutions 2013-December-27
Iran Nuke Deal Quietly Collapses2013-December-18
How Iran Will Play the West on Nukes2013-October-17
The Dangers of Double-Talk for Rouhani 2013-October-15
Clearing the Iranian Nuclear Fog 2013-September-27
The Perils of an Iran Nuclear Deal2013-September-20
Iran's Next Nuke-Talk Ploy to Con the West2013-August-13
Egypt's Generals' Dilemma 2013-August-01
Misreading the Middle East2013-July-23
Farewell, Ataturk 2013-June-28
President-Elect Rowhani Faces Inflated Expectations2013-June-21
Attack of the Body-Snatchers 2013-May-14
The Art of Turning Neighbors into Enemies2013-April-10
Hizbullah Deaths in Syria Mount2013-March-13
Iran, Russia Building "Strategic Partnership"2013-February-14
In Jordan, the Brotherhood Loses2013-January-25
Iran's Panic 2012-December-12
America and the Middle East: The Next Four Years 2012-November-13
Is Hassan Nasrallah a "Zionist Agent"?2012-October-23
Egypt's Mosques Are Up for Grabs2012-September-20
Another Blow in the Islamists' War2012-September-13
Egypt's Morsi Shocks the Mullahs 2012-August-31
Arab Spring Punctures Two-State Solution 2012-July-27
Iran Nuke Talks a Wild-Goose Chase 2012-July-05
Book Review: Should Israel Exist? 2012-June-29
Stand Up on Syria: How to Help without Invading 2012-June-12
What Egyptians Didn't Vote For 2012-June-01
Iran Claims U.S. OK on Enrichment2012-April-17
Iran: Change of Behavior or Regime Change? 2012-March-16
A One-State Solution? 2012-March-09
Assad's Evil Endgame 2012-February-27
Why Talks with Iran Are Worse than Futile 2012-February-22
Iran's Self-Defeating Saber-Rattling 2012-January-04
Reading the Arab Elections: Not an Islamist Wave 2011-November-30
Syria's Resilient Revolt2011-October-26
Russia's Syria Game2011-October-10
Peace with Israel Has Served Egypt Well2011-September-23
Turkey Pressures Assad to Step Down2011-July-20
In Syria: A Strange Political Beast2011-July-15
Princes of Persia2011-June-03
Egypt's Revolution2011-May-13
Syrian Crackdown Is Failing 2011-May-06

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