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Jacques Neriah

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The Battle for Mosul, and Its Aftermath2016-October-20
The Islamic State - the Beginning of the End2016-September-09
Video - Israeli Expert: Arab Regime Crackdowns Are Pushing New ISIS Recruiting2016-August-22
Why the Islamic State Is in Retreat 2016-June-10
Video: U.S. and Russia Succeeding in Decapitating ISIS Leadership2016-June-10
Is Turkey Planning to Destabilize Lebanon?2016-March-29
Earthquakes of the Middle East2016-February-25
Explaining the Islamic State Phenomenon 2016-January-22
Are There Any Moderate Rebels in Syria? 2015-November-23
The Islamic State's Rules for Its Christian Subjects 2015-September-18
Turkey Attacks the Kurds and the Islamic State2015-August-13
Egypt Accuses Turkey of Subversion2015-July-14
Behind the Saudi Military Intervention in Yemen 2015-April-01
Iran Deploys Afghan Shiite Force to Spread Its Control in Southern Syria2015-March-04
Egyptian President Sisi Calls for Reform of Islam2015-February-20
North African Fighters in the Syrian and Iraqi Conflict2015-January-30
In Algeria, "After President Bouteflika" Is Rapidly Approaching2014-December-12
Is Lebanon on the Brink of a New Civil War?2014-October-30
Yemen Changes Hands: Will an Iranian Stronghold Emerge near the Entrance to the Red Sea?2014-October-07
Heavy Blow Administered to Assad's Foes2014-September-12
The Islamic State's Priorities2014-September-11
The Islamic State Ends the Centuries-Old Christian Presence in Mosul, Iraq 2014-August-04
Both Egypt and Israel Want to Subdue Hamas2014-July-27
1,000 Chinese Jihadists Training in Pakistan2014-June-25
Is the Fall of Mosul in Iraq to the Jihadists a "Game Changer"?2014-June-12
Sissi's Election as President: What Does It Mean for Egypt?2014-June-06
Boko Haram and the Future of Nigeria 2014-May-16
Egypt and Saudi Arabia Battle the Jihadist Current2014-April-25
Egyptian Field Marshal Sisi: A Profile 2014-February-28
Foreign Jihadists Fighting in Syria: An Overview of the Danger2014-January-24
How the Middle East Map Changed in 20132013-December-30
Egypt's Turn to Russia 2013-November-22
Sisi Fever: Will the General Be the Next President of Egypt? 2013-October-29
After the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Is Hamas in Gaza Next in Line? 2013-October-03
New Threats to the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty2013-August-19
The Kurdish Awakening in Syria: Could It Lead to Regional War? 2013-August-16
Egypt after Morsi: The Defeat of Political Islam? 2013-July-12
Ethiopian Dam over Blue Nile Raises Specter of Conflict with Egypt2013-June-21
Iranian Forces on the Golan?2013-May-29
Is Egypt Heading toward a Military Regime? 2013-May-22
Stalemate in the Syrian Civil War2013-April-15
Iranian Shiite Terror Cell in Nigeria Followed a Familiar Pattern2013-March-06
The Islamist Challenge from the Sahel Region and North Africa 2013-January-30
Syria: Has the Assad Regime Reached the Terminal Phase? 2012-December-27
The Rise of the Salafis in Lebanon: A New Sunni-Shiite Battlefield 2012-December-07
Hizbullah's Unspoken War in Syria 2012-October-24
Egypt's Shiite Minority: Between the Egyptian Hammer and the Iranian Anvil2012-September-24
Kurdistan: The Next Flashpoint Between Turkey, Iraq, and the Syrian Revolt2012-August-06
Morsi's Victory and Egypt's Second Republic 2012-July-10
A Second Afghanistan in Mali? 2012-June-15

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