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The Inside Story of the Hijacking of the British Parliament and the Manipulation of Muslim Public Opinion 2024-July-30
From the West Bank to U.S. Campuses, Iran's Psychological Influence Is Spreading 2024-July-28
Netanyahu's Existential Mission to Mobilize the West Against Iranian Aggression2024-July-25
The Duping of America2024-July-25
The ICJ Rejects International Law2024-July-23
Strike on the Houthis a Big Win for Israel 2024-July-23
The ICJ Generates the Fiction of Palestinian Statehood 2024-July-23
Hamas Remains the Dominant Power in Palestinians' Minds2024-July-14
Possible Strategies for Israel in Gaza2024-July-14
Turkish Refusal to Refuel El Al Flight: An Offensive Violation of International Obligations2024-July-07
Hizbullah and the Weakness of the West2024-July-04
Does the Palestinian Leadership Represent All Palestinians?2024-July-04
Palestinianism and the Red-Green Alliance: Similarities in the Ideology and Practice of Marxists and Islamists2024-July-04
Why Does the UN Coddle Iran? 2024-July-02
Israel Under Fire - Israel's Legal Rights regarding Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria 2024-July-02
U.S. to Support Israel in Defense but Not Offense2024-June-30
Video: How Will the Israel-Hamas Urban War Influence Future Wars2024-June-25
Hamas Desperate for Manpower, Enlists 16-Year-Olds2024-June-20
Al Jazeera - Feeding the Muslim Brotherhood's Political Agenda to the Arab World2024-June-20
Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Antisemitism2024-June-13
The Realization of Qassem Soleimani's "Ring of Fire" Strategy 2024-June-09
Detention, Prosecution, and Punishment following the October 7 Massacre2024-June-09
The Insidious Anti-Israel Agenda of the International Court of Justice 2024-June-06
The Attempt to Deny the Legal, Historical, and National Rights of the Jewish People2024-June-06
Saudi Arabia Builds Its Defense Industrial Capability2024-June-06
"The Post-October 7 Reality Puts Us in a Completely New World"2024-June-06
Can Contemporary International Law Cope with Today's Terror? 2024-June-04
Biden's "Peace Now" Plan 2024-June-04
Israel and Hamas: The Viewpoint of American Jewry2024-June-02
Poll: 64 Percent of Israelis Oppose Establishment of Palestinian State in Return for Saudi Deal2024-May-30
Iran's "Cognitive War" Is More Dangerous than Missiles and Killer Drones2024-May-28
Electronic Media as a Weapon of Political War: The Hamas Strategy 2024-May-26
Malmo, Sweden - A Hotbed of Antisemitism 2024-May-26
Does the Palestinian Authority Really Want to Return to Gaza? 2024-May-23
The PA's Return to Gaza Is Impractical and Unwanted 2024-May-21
In the Wake of October 7: Reflections on the American Jewish Community2024-May-21
Expert: Gazans Have Been Brainwashed by Hamas2024-May-19
How to Reduce Islamist Terrorism Worldwide and Weaken the Iranian Regime 2024-May-19
On Independence Day, Israelis Choose Life 2024-May-16
The UN's World of the Absurd2024-May-16
Israelis Respond to Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms to Defeat Hamas in Rafah 2024-May-12
From an Iranian and Sunni Arab Perspective, the Americans Are Working to Strengthen the Iranian Regime at the Expense of Israel 2024-May-12
Six Months Out: The U.S. Presidential Election and America's Jews 2024-May-12
Biden's "Grand Bargain" Illusion Starts at Rafah 2024-May-12
"Both Sides" and "Innocent Civilians": The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War2024-May-09
Deflating the Threat Posed by the International Criminal Court2024-May-09
Hamas' Strategy to Stymie Israeli Success at the Negotiating Table and the Battlefield2024-May-07
How Do Palestinians View the U.S. "Campus Intifada?"2024-May-07
A Coordinated Attack on America's Jews and Israel 2024-May-07
Palestinian Militias Are Resurgent in the Northern West Bank2024-May-02

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