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Hamas Official: We Have Been Secretly Planning the Invasion for Two Years2023-October-12
Fatah Calls on Palestinians to Escalate the Conflict with Israel Everywhere2023-October-12
The Hamas Einsatzgruppen Operation2023-October-11
Iran Official Admits Country's Role in Beirut Bombing that Killed 241 American Troops2023-October-05
Saudi Journalist: We Must Not Miss Another Historic Opportunity for Peace with Israel2023-October-02
Palestinians on Social Media: The Time Has Come to Kill The Jews2023-September-14
Abbas: Britain and America Are Our Enemy2023-September-07
Palestinian Authority Media Present Slain Terrorists as Innocent Children 2023-September-07
Senior Hamas Official Saleh Al-Arouri: We Want War with Israel2023-August-31
The Rockets Fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv Use Knowhow Provided by Iran2023-July-27
Fight Antisemites, Not Antisemitism2023-July-27
Moves Toward Possible Atom Bomb Test in Defiance of Western Sanctions: Intel Reports2023-July-10
Iran Sought Nuclear Weapons Technology from Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany2023-June-26
Egyptian Writer Condemns Those Celebrating Killing of Three Israeli Soldiers at Border2023-June-22
Palestinian Authority, Fatah Glorify Egyptian Border Guard Who Killed Three Israeli Soldiers2023-June-15
New U.S. Strategy Mistakenly Places Islamophobia on a Par with Antisemitism 2023-June-15
Iranian IRGC Commander: Invisible Hands Have Armed Palestinians in the West Bank with Modern Weapons2023-May-04
Iran-Backed Iraqi Militia Threatens Drone Strikes Against Israel2023-April-17
PA TV Airs Musical Calling to Fight in All of Israel with Machine Guns, RPGs, Daggers, and Bombs2023-April-17
Video: Hamas Fires Missiles at Israeli Jet2023-April-05
Tehran University Professor: Most Iranians Don't Want Israel to Be Annihilated2023-April-03
Former PA Minister: It Is Embarrassing that for 17 Years Our Leaders Cannot Manage to Hold Democratic Elections2023-March-30
Hamas: An Outsider Cannot Understand the Intensity of a Palestinian's Joy at News of a Terror Attack Against Israelis2023-March-16
Hizbullah: If Nasrallah Says the Word, We Will Liberate the Galilee2023-February-20
Video: Kindergarten Children Simulate Killing Israeli Soldiers, Becoming Martyrs2023-February-16
Iran's First Lady: Mothers, Wives Must Encourage Martyrdom2023-February-06
Senior Hamas Official Denounces "Treacherous Christianity"2022-December-26
Video: Female Hamas Cadets Demonstrate Firearm Skills2022-November-10
Video: IRGC Threatens Drone Strikes Against Israel, U.S. Bases in the Middle East2022-November-07
Iranian Regime Threatens to Destroy Israel in a Multi-Arena Struggle 2022-September-19
Kuwaiti Writer: Palestinian Faction Leaders, Who Live in Luxury, Fight Israel on Iran's Behalf while Gazans Pay with their Lives2022-August-22
Video: Palestinians Fire Automatic Weapons at West Bank Wedding Parties2022-August-08
Shi'ite Children in Houston, Texas, Pledge to be Soldiers of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei2022-August-04
Hamas Summer Camps in Gaza Offer Weapons Training to Prepare Kids to "Liberate Palestine"2022-August-04
Palestinian Culture Minister: Britain Stole Our Country; It Must Be Brought to Trial for Its Crimes2022-August-01
Palestinian Islamic Scholar: Those Who Welcomed Biden Should Have Their Tongues Cut Off2022-July-28
Former Kuwaiti Minister: Palestinian Suffering Due to Their Own Leadership2022-July-14
Saudi Academic Calls for Islamic Religious Sanction for Normalization with Israel2022-July-04
In Jenin, Young Men and Children Brandishing Rifles Pledge: "Jihad Is Our Path!"2022-June-30
Saudi Political Scientist: Refusal to Compromise Characterizes Arab Political Culture2022-June-09
Kuwaiti Journalist: Kuwait Should Normalize Relations with Israel2022-June-09
Palestinians Urged to Murder Israelis Using Knives, Axes, AK-47s, and Cars2022-May-30
IRGC Qods Force Commander: Israel Is a Cancer that Must Be Annihilated2022-May-04
Iraqi Columnist: Normalization with Israel Is Not Treason2022-April-28
Pro-Israel NGOs Submit 2 Million Complaints to UN Inquiry Against Israel 2022-April-25
Egyptian Journalist: No Difference between ISIS, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood2022-April-07
Palestinians Glorify Bnei Brak Terror Attack2022-March-31
Saudi Arabia, UAE Refuse to Side with U.S. Against Russia2022-March-24
A "Major Non-NATO Ally"?: For Decades, Qatar Has Supported Every Anti-American Islamic Terrorist Organization2022-February-21
Hizbullah's Religious Cleansing of Lebanon2022-February-03

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