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International law

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International Law and Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria 2020-June-12
Europeans Pushing to Boycott Israel over Annexation Should Think Twice2020-June-11
The U.S. Peace Plan, Political Wisdom and Double Standards 2020-June-11
Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev: Pre-1967 Lines Brought Israel Neither Peace Nor Security 2020-June-10
Pompeo: U.S. Could Make Moves Against International Criminal Court in "Coming Days"2020-June-02
If Abbas Can Revoke Solemn Obligations over a Knesset Speech, of What Value Are Any Palestinian Commitments?2020-May-28
Israel, the EU, and International Law2020-May-27
Israel: The Settlements Are Not Illegal2020-May-22
Video: Does the Term "Annexation" Even Apply to the West Bank2020-May-19
The International Criminal Court's Illegitimate Prosecutions2020-May-18
Legal Experts Question ICC over Alleged Israeli "War Crimes" Case 2020-May-15
How to Rescue Civil Discourse on Israel2020-May-15
Congress Calls to End ICC Investigations of U.S., Israel 2020-May-14
Over 300 U.S. Lawmakers Respond to ICC: Palestinian Authority Is Not a State2020-May-14
Arab World Moving On, But West Still Indulging Palestinian Return Fantasy 2020-May-14
The Real Victims of the International Criminal Court's Obsession with Israel 2020-May-11
Rule or Ruse of Law in the International Criminal Court?2020-May-08
Applying Israeli Sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and Parts of Judea and Samaria2020-May-08
PA to Sue U.S. for Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty in Parts of West Bank2020-May-07
Western Countries Should Defend Themselves Against the ICC2020-May-05
ICC Chief Prosecutor Insists "Palestine" Is a State2020-May-01
Anti-Semitism and the Coronavirus 2020-April-28
Does Israel's Coalition Deal Means the U.S. Peace Plan Is Back on Track?2020-April-23
Opposing an IMF Loan to Iran2020-April-20
Why There Is No Credible Alternative to the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism 2020-April-17
U.S. to Block Iran's Request to IMF for $5 Billion Loan2020-April-08
If the PA Lacks Funds to Combat the Coronavirus, It Should Stop Paying Salaries to Terrorists2020-March-27
International Legal Issues in Preventing the Spread of Contagious Diseases2020-March-25
How the ICC Is Encouraging Greater Civilian Casualties 2020-March-20
To Fight Coronavirus Spread, Israel Is Using Cellphone Technology2020-March-19
Coronavirus in Iran: Regime Culpability and Resiliency2020-March-13
International Criminal Court to Probe U.S. War Crimes in Afghanistan2020-March-06
Pompeo Promises to Protect U.S. Businesses in UN West Bank Data Base 2020-March-03
Canada Backs Israel in ICC Challenge 2020-February-27
The Palestinian Case at the ICC Took a Big Hit This Week 2020-February-21
A Brazen Anti-Semitic "Blacklist" 2020-February-19
U.S. Navy Seizes Illegal Iranian Weapons in Arabian Sea2020-February-14
Germany Says ICC Has No Jurisdiction in Palestinian Territories2020-February-14
The UN Blacklist, U.S. Laws, and U.S. Policy2020-February-14
Tunisia Sacks UN Ambassador for Opposing U.S. Peace Plan 2020-February-10
Palestinians: U.S. Peace Plan Includes 300 Violations of International Law2020-February-10
Video: The U.S. Peace Plan - A Changing Diplomatic Paradigm for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2020-February-10
U.S. Peace Plan Is Fair and Just 2020-January-29
Arms Embargo on Iran Set to Expire 2020-January-23
Deterring War with Iran2020-January-10
Pompeo "Disavows" Carter-Era Anti-Settlement Policy 2020-January-09
The Targeting of Soleimani and International Criticism2020-January-09
Dissecting the U.S. Policy Shift on Jewish West Bank Communities 2020-January-09
Easy Call: The Strike on Soleimani Was Lawful2020-January-07
The U.S. Is Keeping the Promise Made at San Remo in 19202020-January-03

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