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Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Death Toll from Palestinian Terror Wave Reaches 402016-July-04
Israeli President to EU Parliament: "Respect Israeli Considerations, Even When Different from Your Own"2016-June-23
Israel Calls EU Backing of International Conference "a Regrettable Step Backwards in the Pursuit of Peace"2016-June-21
Infographic: World Yawns as Hizbullah Arms Pour into 200 Civilian Border Villages2016-June-21
Netanyahu: Path to Peace Doesn't Pass through International Conferences2016-June-02
President Rivlin: "Israel Is Proud to Be Jordan's Partner and to Stand at Jordan's Side" 2016-May-30
Israel Rushes Disaster Relief to Sri Lanka2016-May-27
Israeli Delegation Visits Turkey for World Humanitarian Summit2016-May-25
Israel Transfers Ancient Sarcophagi Covers to Egypt2016-May-23
French Plan for Middle East Peace Talks Hits Israeli Opposition2016-May-19
Israel Tells France It's Not Interested in Multilateral Peace Talks2016-May-16
Video: 68 Facts You Probably Didn't Know about Israel2016-May-11
The Israel that Arabs Don't Know2016-May-09
Arab Failures, Kurdish Achievements Might Fix History's Injustices2016-May-05
Holocaust Remembrance Day at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp2016-May-05
Does the Palestinian Leadership Want Peace with Israel?2016-April-14
Even If U.S. Doesn't Cast Veto, Palestinian UN Initiative Unlikely to Have Impact2016-April-12
Israel Donates Water Purification System to Papua New Guinea2016-March-11
Have the Palestinians Renounced the Peace Process?2016-February-18
Azerbaijan, Israel's Top Strategic Partner in the Muslim World2016-February-09
CBS News Headline on Jerusalem Terror Attack: "Three Palestinians Killed" 2016-February-04
France Undermines the Oslo Accords It Witnessed 2016-February-03
Cartoons as a Symbol of Defiance 2016-February-02
Israel Warns UN of Hizbullah's Role in Syria 2016-January-21
Are There Double Standards in Israel's Application of the Rule of Law in the Territories? 2016-January-21
EU Again Criticizes Israel over Settlements 2016-January-19
Israel Officially Rebukes Swedish Ambassador for Foreign Minister's Statement 2016-January-14
Shadow of Anti-Semitism Is Stalking Europe Again 2016-January-13
The Failures of the International Community in the Middle East since the Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916-20162016-January-07
A Century after Sykes-Picot: Strategic and Geopolitical Aspects2016-January-07
UN Rights Monitor for Palestinian Territories Resigns2016-January-05
Video: Nazi Propaganda Returns in Palestinian Incitement2015-December-29
"State of Palestine" Passports? Another Violation of the Oslo Accords2015-December-24
Israeli Settlements and International Law2015-December-04
Important Things to Remember about the 1947 Partition Plan 2015-December-01
Outlawing the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel 2015-November-26
Israel at UN: When Will the Palestinians Say Yes to Peace?2015-November-24
Israel Raps Sweden Envoy after Minister's Remarks on Palestinian "Desperation"2015-November-17
Has France's All-Out War on Terror Really Begun?2015-November-16
48 Years Since Resolution 242: The Cornerstone of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process 2015-November-13
Will the French Anti-Boycott Law Lead to a Pan-European Law?2015-November-13
Israel Hosts International Conference on Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism2015-November-11
Israel Uncovers 2,000-Year-Old Acra Fortress2015-November-05
Sudanese Man Tried to Kill Israeli on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 2015-November-04
Palestinian Incitement to Violence and Terror: Nothing New, But Still Dangerous2015-November-03
Ya'alon: Despite the Nuclear Agreement, Iran Continues to View America as the Great Satan2015-October-30
Israel to UN Human Rights Council: We Shall Exercise Our Right to Life 2015-October-30
Israel Rejects UNESCO Decision on Holy Sites2015-October-22
Joseph's Tomb Arson Demonstrates Fate of Holy Sites in Palestinian Hands2015-October-19
Israel to UN: Islamist Militants Use Al-Aqsa Mosque as a Weapons Depot2015-October-19

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