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Jordan Dismantles the Muslim Brotherhood 2020-September-03
Why F-35s Should Not Be Released to the UAE and Saudi Arabia2020-September-03
The UAE Agreement: A Historic Turning Point in Israel's Relations with the Arab World 2020-August-31
UAE's Israel Olive Branch Punches a Wall through Decades of Arab Intransigence 2020-August-27
Israel Has Been Making Common Cause with the Victims of Regional Aggression for Decades 2020-August-20
Pro-Russian Sunni Forces in Southwest Syria Provide Buffer Against Shiite Groups 2020-August-20
Shifting Dynamics of the Mideast Pushed Israel and UAE Together2020-August-17
For UAE Peace Deal, Israel Suspends Moves toward Sovereignty in Parts of Judea and Samaria 2020-August-17
The Israel-UAE Agreement Is a Key Step for Peace and Sends a Crucial Message to Palestinians 2020-August-17
The Israel-UAE Agreement: A Message to the Palestinians 2020-August-17
Israel-UAE Deal Is Win-Win-Win, Palestinians Included 2020-August-17
Rethinking Pakistan's Rejection of Israel 2020-August-13
Hamas Leader: "Palestine Must Stretch from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea"2020-August-06
Video: Making an Impaired Peace Process Work2020-August-06
Imagine What Israel Would Look Like If It Hadn't Applied Its Law to Eastern Jerusalem in 19672020-July-30
Israeli Security Requires Control over the Jordan Valley 2020-July-30
Iran: Jordan Assisted U.S. in Harassing Iranian Passenger Plane2020-July-30
Should There Be a Price for Rejectionism and Terror? 2020-July-27
The ICC Considers Inventing "Palestine"2020-July-23
Palestinian Tribes in Hebron Asked to Help Stem Spike in Covid-19 Cases 2020-July-16
The Unilateral Application of Israeli Sovereignty Is Necessary to Move the Peace Process Forward 2020-July-16
U.S. Diplomat Views Syria, Iran and Russia 2020-July-16
Former Jordanian Minister: Arabs Need to Act Pragmatically regarding the Palestinian Cause2020-July-13
Israel's Security Imperatives in the Jordan Valley2020-July-09
Israeli Forces along Jordan River May Face Enemies from East and West2020-July-09
The Jewish People's Rights2020-July-06
Expert: Treating West Bank as Palestinian Is Historically Incorrect2020-June-29
Mossad Chief Visited Jordan to Deliver Message from Netanyahu on Sovereignty2020-June-26
Unilateral Israeli Action Could Break the Negotiations Deadlock2020-June-26
Pro-Israel U.S. Think Tank Supports Jordan Valley Sovereignty2020-June-24
Don't Buy the "Annexation" Hype2020-June-24
Applying Israeli Law to Part of the West Bank Will Not Block a Peace Agreement2020-June-23
Stop Pursuing a Two-State Illusion and Commit to a Realistic Two-State Solution2020-June-22
Israel Ministry of Intelligence Looks at Timing of Sovereignty Initiative2020-June-19
Abbas Understands His People Have No Appetite for Another Intifada 2020-June-19
"An Intifada Should Have Erupted Years Ago Against Corrupt PA Officials" 2020-June-19
Jordanian Tanks Crossed the Jordan Valley in the 1967 War Against Israel2020-June-19
Jordanian Official: We Won't Damage Security Ties with Israel for Palestinians2020-June-18
Israeli Control in the Jordan Valley 2020-June-17
U.S. Considers Withholding Aid to Jordan to Force Extradition 2020-June-16
Israeli Expert: U.S. Peace Plan Says Palestinian Narrative Must Change to Give Peace a Chance 2020-June-16
The Debate over the Future of the Territories 2020-June-16
Israel Must Control the Jordan Valley to Defend Its Eastern Border 2020-June-12
International Law and Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria 2020-June-12
Israel Must Retain Security Control in West Bank, Netanyahu Tells German Foreign Minister2020-June-11
Israel Considers Applying Israeli Law to Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel and Gush Etzion, Home to Large Jewish Populations2020-June-10
Jordan Fears the Palestinians2020-June-10
Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev: Pre-1967 Lines Brought Israel Neither Peace Nor Security 2020-June-10
University of Jordan Faces Backlash for Inviting Israel-U.S. Academic to Online Workshop2020-June-09
Why the 1967 Six-Day War Still Matters 2020-June-09

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