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Turkish Trucks Pass through Israel to Reach the Gulf 2013-April-03
Some Arab Leaders Have Taken Risks for Peace - and Paid with Their Lives2013-March-29
Arms Shipments Rise to Syrian Rebels2013-March-28
IDF: Palestinian Violence in West Bank Has Increased 2013-March-27
Arms Airlift to Syrian Rebels Expands, with Aid from CIA 2013-March-25
Fearing a Stark Future, Syrian Alawites Meet in Cairo2013-March-25
Israelis and Palestinians Deserve to Be Free in a Land of Their Own 2013-March-22
Why Is Obama Going to Israel?2013-March-21
Palestinian Airline Bomber to Be Released from U.S. Prison2013-March-19
Mideast Seeks a New Commitment from Obama 2013-March-19
Monarch in the Middle2013-March-19
Video: Previewing Obama's Visit to Israel 2013-March-18
Top Syrian General Defects to Jordan 2013-March-18
Biased, Prejudiced, and Unprofessional: The UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission Report on Israeli Settlements2013-March-18
The Major Hurdle to Peace: How the UN Defines a Palestinian Refugee2013-March-13
Report: Woman with Explosive Vest Caught at Jordan-Syrian Border 2013-March-12
Settlements Not Illegal under International Law2013-March-12
West Training Syrian Rebels in Jordan2013-March-11
Report: U.S. and Europe in "Major Airlift of Arms to Syrian Rebels through Zagreb"2013-March-11
Israel as a Fossil Fuel Powerhouse2013-March-08
Kerry Says U.S. Backs Mideast Efforts to Arm Syrian Rebels2013-March-06
Abbas Needs an Heir Apparent2013-March-01
The Desalination Revolution: How Israel Beat the Drought2013-March-01
How to Save Syria from Al-Qaeda2013-February-27
In Syria, New Weapons to Rebels Tilts the Battle Against Assad2013-February-25
Israel Demands PA Curb Protests2013-February-25
Who Really Cares about the Palestinians? 2013-February-22
Israel Proposing Alternative to Suez Canal2013-February-18
Syria: The Growing Power of Jihadist Groups2013-February-18
Jordan May Import Natural Gas from Israel2013-February-15
In Jordan, People Want Evolution, Not Revolution2013-February-13
Israel: "We're Delighted that Obama's Coming"2013-February-08
Obama to Make First Trip to Israel as President for a "New Beginning"2013-February-06
Jordanian Cartoonist Rejects UN Award over "Zionist Links" 2013-February-06
F-16s to the Muslim Brotherhood2013-February-05
Jordan's King Abdullah Won This Round2013-February-01
Welcome to the New Arab World - Where No One Really Cares Much about Israel2013-February-01
Quiet Intifada: Abbas' Statehood Plan 2013-January-31
Hamas Denies Accepting Two-State Solution2013-January-31
Report: Hamas Seeking to Take Over PLO 2013-January-30
Loyalists to Dominate Jordan's New Parliament2013-January-25
In Jordan, the Brotherhood Loses2013-January-25
Hamas Military Academy to Prepare Children to Liberate Palestine 2013-January-25
Israeli Settlements' Legal Basis 2013-January-24
As Elections Near, Protesters in Jordan Increasingly Turn Anger Toward the King 2013-January-23
Missed Opportunities for Reform in Jordan 2013-January-23
Raised on Hatred2013-January-22
U.S. Watchdog Ranks Israel as Region's Only "Free" State 2013-January-21
World Bank: Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Pipeline Is Feasible 2013-January-17
EU Speeds Up Aid for Palestinians2013-January-16

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