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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Iran's Nuclear Breakout Time: 7 to 8 Months 2015-March-30
Arab States Gear Up for War 2015-March-30
Obama Toys with Cutting Israel Adrift in the Security Council 2015-March-30
Did Washington Ask Netanyahu about His "Two-State" Statement before Criticizing Him?2015-March-23
Egypt's Al-Nour Party: A Salafi Partner in the Fight Against Terrorism?2015-March-18
What Congress's Iran Letter Signals about Obama's Diplomacy2015-March-13
Saudi Nuclear Deal Raises Stakes for Iran Talks2015-March-12
Iran's Next Supreme Leader and the Nuclear Deal 2015-March-12
Israeli Intelligence Questions Washington's Claim on Iran Nuclear Breakout Time2015-March-09
Netanyahu's Three Objections to a U.S. Deal with Iran2015-March-06
Obama Needs to Answer Netanyahu2015-March-05
Iran's Provocative Naval Exercise: Motives and Implications 2015-March-05
Dealing with a Bad Iranian Nuclear Agreement 2015-March-05
The U.S.-Israel Divide on Iran2015-February-23
Why the UN Security Council Can't Solve the Arab-Israel Conflict by Itself2015-February-18
Iraq's Pro-Iranian Shiite Militias Lead the War Against the Islamic State2015-February-17
Palestinian Moves to Join ICC Have Nothing to Do with Justice2015-February-13
Gaza Reconstruction Stalled by Fatah-Hamas Deadlock2015-February-13
Assessing the Strategic Threat from ISIS2015-February-13
The "New Normal"? Parsing Iran Policy in the U.S. and Israel2015-February-13
Secret Iranian Unit Fueling Mideast Bloodshed with Illicit Arms Shipments2015-February-12
Jordan Unlikely to Become a Regional Sparta2015-February-10
Why the CIA Killed Imad Mughniyeh 2015-February-10
The Search for Hizbullah's Imad Mughniyeh2015-February-05
The Palestinian Authority's International Criminal Court Gambit: A True Partner for Peace?2015-February-05
A Deal with the Devil? Why Washington Should Not Pin Its Hopes on Rouhani 2015-January-30
The Islamic State's Model 2015-January-30
U.S. Policy in Syria: A Recipe to Contain, Not Defeat, ISIS2015-January-27
Acknowledge the Righteous Muslims 2015-January-27
Both Al-Qaeda and Islamic State Threaten the West2015-January-21
Coalition Airstrikes in Iraq and Syria: An Interim Assessment2015-January-21
The Palestinians Go to the ICC: Policy Implications 2015-January-07
How and Why the Palestinians Lost Palestine 2015-January-07
Stop Giving Palestinians a Pass 2015-January-05
Saudi King in Hospital: Succession Crisis Looms2015-January-02
Desperate for Soldiers, Assad's Government Imposes Harsh Recruitment Measures 2014-December-31
U.S. Does Not Back UN Palestinian Statehood Resolution 2014-December-30
Continued Standoff between Hamas and Fatah Delays Gaza Reconstruction2014-December-23
Palestinian-Israeli Incitement Can and Should Be Curbed, Especially Now 2014-December-18
EU Court Annuls Hamas Terrorist Designation2014-December-17
On Iran, Israel's Margin for Error Is Zero2014-December-12
Iran's Missile Arsenal and the Nuclear Negotiations2014-December-10
Hizbullah's Syria Problem2014-December-03
The Combat Performance of Hamas in the 2014 Gaza War 2014-November-28
What Difference Would an Iran Deal Make?2014-November-27
Regional Nuclear Plans in the Aftermath of an Iran Deal2014-November-24
If Palestine Is a State, How Can Palestinians Living in Palestine Be Refugees?2014-November-21
U.S. Should Cut Aid to Palestinians for Supporting Terrorists2014-November-20
The Next President's Mideast Mess2014-November-18
Islamic State Announces New Caliphate Provinces2014-November-17

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