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Egyptian Students Call on Arab League to Declare War2005-March-23
Don't Wait for the Next Attack2005-March-22
One Dead in Blast at Qatar Theater Packed with Westerners2005-March-21
Growing Egyptian-U.S. Tensions: Egyptian Press Attacks President Bush2005-March-18
Egyptian Parliament Speaker Rejects Visiting Israel2005-March-18
Sharon: Cairo Arrangement a "Positive First Step" 2005-March-18
How the Saudis Got to Be "Special"2005-March-18
Beware the Results of Arab Democracy2005-March-18
New Egyptian Ambassador Arrives in Israel2005-March-17
Hamas: Long Truce Impossible2005-March-16
"Kifaya" in Egypt2005-March-16
Poll: Palestinian Perceptions of Countries' Political and Financial Support2005-March-15
Egyptian Opposition Leader Freed on Bail2005-March-14
New Signs on the Arab Street2005-March-14
Egyptian Diplomat Rebuts Bush's Views on Mideast2005-March-11
IDF May Evacuate Philadelphi Route After Pullout2005-March-11
A Sudden, Powerful Stirring2005-March-11
A New "White Arabism" Would Help Generate Liberal Societies2005-March-11
Indo-Israeli Ties: The Post-Arafat Period2005-March-11
Shin Bet Catches Another PA Cop Involved in 2000 Lynch2005-March-09
The Autocrats' Answer 2005-March-09
The Bud of a New Movement on Arab Streets2005-March-09
What Can Go Wrong2005-March-09
Lingering Suspicions Hold Up Egyptian Deployment Along Egypt-Gaza Border2005-March-07
A Mideast Makeover? 2005-March-04
Kifaya...in the Arab World 2005-March-04
Managing a Mideast Revolution2005-March-03
Mubarak to Allow Freer Elections in Egypt2005-February-28
Cairo Crackdown Undermines Talk of Reform2005-February-25
On His Prime Minister's Secret Service2005-February-25
Egypt Insisting on Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza Border Corridor2005-February-24
Muslim Brotherhood Slams Return of Egyptian Ambassador to Israel2005-February-24
Egypt's Brutal Answer2005-February-24
Militants Hold Key to Mideast Peace2005-February-22
Sharon: West Bank Barrier Not Border for Palestinian State2005-February-22
Beirut's Berlin Wall2005-February-22
Egypt Cancels Democracy Conference2005-February-21
Mofaz: No Gaza-Egypt Border Withdrawal Until Smuggling Stops2005-February-21
Egypt Names New Ambassador to Israel2005-February-21
Back to Tel Aviv: The Next Egyptian Ambassador to Israel2005-February-18
Despite the Falling Rockets, Children Love Kibbutz Nursery2005-February-18
War Helps Recruit Terrorists, Hill Told: Intelligence Officials Talk of Growing Insurgency2005-February-17
How Egypt Molded Modern Radical Islam2005-February-16
Increased Iranian and Hizballah Efforts to Sabotage Abu Mazen2005-February-14
Questions for Mubarak2005-February-14
Can Abbas and Mubarak Handle Hamas?2005-February-14
Sharon Gives Abbas More Time to Curb Mortar Attacks 2005-February-11
Peace in the Middle East Will Come from Within2005-February-11
Mubarak, $2 Billion, and Change2005-February-11
Why the Palestinians Came to the Table2005-February-11

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