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Is Canada's Justin Trudeau the Great Reformer of Islam? 2018-November-23
Saeb Erekat, Airbnb, and BDS2018-November-22
Implications of the Khashoggi Murder for the House of Saud 2018-November-20
Is It Time to End the Temporary International Force in Hebron? 2018-November-19
NGOs in Gaza and the West Bank Incite with European Support2018-November-19
What Happened to Arab Support for the Palestinians?2018-November-16
Hamas Brings Gaza Terrorist Groups Together to Build a New PLO 2018-November-15
Video: Khan al-Ahmar and the EU's Violation of Signed Agreements2018-November-12
Moving the Australian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Will Advance the Peace Process2018-November-09
The Sky Is Not Falling in Washington: The U.S. Mid-Term Elections2018-November-08
After the Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre: It's Time to Adopt an International Convention on the Crime of Anti-Semitism 2018-November-07
Understanding the Threats from Iran2018-November-02
Iran Pushes for Escalation in Gaza2018-October-29
Why Is the ICC Prosecutor Interfering in Khan al-Ahmar?2018-October-26
Jordan Renews Its Request to Build a Fifth Minaret on the Temple Mount2018-October-26
Bethlehem after Oslo: Terror Spiked in Israel's Absence 2018-October-24
Hamas Attack Tunnels Are Still a Serious Danger2018-October-18
Developing Northern Sinai - A New Diplomatic Paradigm 2018-October-18
Hamas Probes Israel's Defenses2018-October-15
Khashoggi and the Jewish Question2018-October-12
Will PA-Supported Terrorism Kill Economic Peace? 2018-October-12
Senior Iranian Official Requests Political Asylum in Switzerland 2018-October-10
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Smuggled Suitcases of Explosives into Saudi Arabia2018-October-10
The Kurdish Presidential Candidate's "Jewish Wife" 2018-October-03
Dore Gold: To Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Realism Is the Name of the Game 2018-September-17
Selling Oslo to the Jewish Community 2018-September-14
Iran and Turkey Divert Iraq's River Waters, Leaving Iraq on the Brink of Catastrophe 2018-September-07
Iran to Deploy Basij Special Forces to Suppress Domestic Unrest2018-September-05
Philippines' Duterte Visit Sparks Debate over Israel's Diplomacy 2018-September-03
Assad Rejects Saudi Offer to Help Rebuild Syria2018-September-03
The Palestinian Authority Sponsors Terror2018-August-30
Video: Jeremy Corbyn and the Resurgence of European Anti-Semitism - Amb. Dore Gold2018-August-29
The Nation-State Law and the Revival of the UN "Zionism-Is-Racism" Libel2018-August-28
Nasrallah Presents Hizbullah's Perception of Confrontation with Israel2018-August-24
Netanyahu Says He Has Not Given Up on U.S. Recognition of Israeli Control over Golan 2018-August-24
Video: Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty on the Golan Heights2018-August-24
Palestinian Leaders Threaten Jerusalem's Arabs on Eve of City's Municipal Elections2018-August-23
The Jews Are the "Kurds" of the Palestinians2018-August-22
Does Israel Have a Strategy for Gaza?2018-August-20
Corbyn Unmasked: He Brought Flowers to Terrorists2018-August-17
Israel vs. BDS 2018-August-16
Is the International Criminal Court Becoming a Palestinian Propaganda Engine?2018-August-15
Iranians Concerned over Leaders' War Threats2018-August-14
The Pan-Arab Palestinian Flag Hoisted in Tel Aviv2018-August-13
The Iranian Regime Is in Deep Trouble2018-August-08
Stabilizing Israel-Hamas Relations in Gaza2018-August-06
Iran Targets Tajikistan. Its Proxies Are Islamic Terrorists 2018-August-06
Hizbullah Reveals Its (Iranian-Made) "Air Force"2018-August-03
Palestinian Icon Ahed Tamimi and Her Critics 2018-August-02
What Israel Should Do When a Stone Falls Out of the Western Wall2018-August-01

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