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Amir Taheri

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Dubya's Real Mideast Agenda2008-January-09
Islamists Are Not About to Seize Power in Pakistan 2008-January-03
Bhutto Opposed Transforming Pakistan into an "Islamic State" 2007-December-31
What U.S. Intelligence Missed on Iran Nukes2007-December-10
Who Are Iran's Revolutionary Guards? 2007-November-15
Haggling Over an Unwoven Carpet2007-November-09
Iran's Elite Mixes Thugs and Opportunists2007-August-30
Iran Just Carried Out the Largest Wave of Executions Since 19842007-August-06
Iranian "Brain Drain"2007-August-02
Turkey Still Divided about What Kind of Country It Wants to Be2007-July-24
Government Abducts "Iran's Lech Walesa"2007-July-13
Iran's Regional Ambitions: Implications for Israel, Iraq, and the Gulf States2007-July-11
"Islamophobia" Idiocy2007-July-04
Gaza: Tehran's Greater Game2007-June-21
Syria's Deception2007-May-21
Iran's Economic Crisis2007-May-09
"Israel Won the War Against Hizbullah"2007-May-04
The Undeclared War with Iran Is Far from Over 2007-April-06
Hostage Gambit2007-March-28
Iran: The Radical Wins Again2007-March-01
Terror Turnabout: Iran Attacked 2007-February-16
Is Israel the Problem?2007-February-02
Iran Is Testing America 2007-January-25
Facing Iran: Arabs See No Choice But War2007-January-12
Wounded But Alive: Could Ahmadinejad Become More Dangerous?2006-December-26
Imperialist Iran Imitates Ambitions of Ancient Persia2006-December-20
Getting Serious About Iran: For Regime Change 2006-November-06
The "Iranization" of Syria 2006-November-03
Making Sense of Ahmadinejad 2006-September-08
Hizballah Didn't Win2006-August-25
The Palestinians Lose (Again)2006-August-24
Lebanon : The Myth of Hizballah's Victory 2006-August-22
God's Army Has Plans to Run the Whole Middle East2006-July-25
The Perils of Engagement with Iran2006-May-09
Why the World Should Take Ahmadinejad Seriously 2006-April-18
The Frightening Truth of Why Iran Wants a Bomb2006-April-17
Understanding Ahmadinejad's Letter to Bush 2006-April-15
Mideast Dictators Try to Wait Bush Out2006-March-31
U.S. Outreach to Iran: A Wise Choice?2006-March-22
Hijacking Islam2006-February-14
Bonfire of the Pieties 2006-February-08
Iran's Nukes, Europe's Follies2006-January-20
Peace Requires the Victor to Claim Victory 2006-January-09
Democracy Is Alive and Well in Iraq2005-December-27
Not Just Israel's Problem 2005-December-23
What the West Offers Islam 2005-November-22
Whose New Middle East? 2005-November-11
Iran's Perilously Honest Man 2005-November-09
Why Paris is Burning2005-November-07
Iran's Rage2005-November-01

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