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Center for Security Policy

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The Role of Missiles in Iran's Military Strategy2016-November-11
The Folly of Seeking an Imposed Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2016-November-10
Lessons of the UNESCO Vote 2016-November-04
Post-Caliphate: The Future of the Salafi-Jihadi Movement2016-November-02
Launching a New Chapter in Australia-Israel Relations2016-November-01
Supporters of Fatah Leader Mohammed Dahlan Burn Pictures of Abbas in Gaza2016-October-07
IDF Acts to Curb West Bank Terrorist Attacks 2016-October-05
Recognizing Iran as an Enemy2016-September-30
Restoring U.S.-Israel Trust on Middle East Policy 2016-September-26
Ideological Fault Lines in the Wreckage of the Arab State System2016-September-22
Why Arab States Have Failed 2016-September-21
The Turks and the Kurds in Syria 2016-September-16
Why Peace Is Not at Hand 2016-September-02
Why Baghdadi's "Caliphate" Should Be Destroyed2016-August-12
Fallout from Turkey Coup Leaves Syria Rebels in the Lurch2016-August-08
Regional Implications of the Failed Coup in Turkey 2016-August-03
Israel-U.S. Ties Are Going to Get Stronger2016-July-12
Terms of Turkish-Israeli Reconciliation Agreement Favor Israel2016-July-08
Netanyahu: How the Agreement with Turkey Serves Israel's Interests 2016-June-28
Between Paris and Cairo: Balancing Security and Diplomacy2016-June-01
Tehran's Arab Rivals Respond to the Iranian Nuclear Challenge 2016-May-23
Is the U.S. Making a New Concession to Iran over Dollar Access?2016-April-19
Israel Acts as a Strategic Partner to America2016-April-19
Israel and Europe after Brussels2016-March-31
Russian Intervention in Syria 2016-March-25
The Islamic State's European Front 2016-March-24
The Obama Doctrine Revisited2016-March-14
An Ominous Election in Iran 2016-March-02
Debate over Iran Deal Underlined Israel's Power2016-February-26
The Overlooked Iranian Missile Threat2016-February-23
Jordanian Security and Prosperity: An Essential Aspect of Israeli Policy 2015-December-29
"Martyr-Mania" in Palestinian Society 2015-December-25
Israel's Emerging Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean2015-December-18
How Palestinian Propaganda Warps the Truth and Undermines Peace Efforts2015-November-26
With Violence Surging in Israel, Washington Retreats from New Diplomatic Push at UN2015-October-26
The Islamic State in the Sinai Peninsula2015-October-26
Poll: Palestinians Support Renewed Armed Intifada2015-September-22
Drawbacks of the Iran Deal 2015-August-21
The Vienna Accord Only Postpones Confrontation with Iran2015-August-07
Countering Iran's Destabilizing Actions in the Middle East2015-July-22
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Support for Supremacy of Shariah Courts2015-June-25
Preventing Iran's Nuclear Checkmate2015-June-15
Moscow Changing Tack on Relationship with Assad2015-June-01
Peace Talks Not a Western Monopoly: China Now an Invested Shareholder 2015-June-01
UN Security Council Resolution 242 Established that Israel Was Entitled to Defensible Borders2015-May-26
Jerusalem: Delusions of Division2015-May-18
The Islamic State on Defense2015-May-05
Defensible Borders Remain Vital for Israel - and Its Neighbors2015-April-24
A Longstanding Nonproliferation Standard Is Dead2015-April-21
Israeli Intelligence Questions Washington's Claim on Iran Nuclear Breakout Time2015-March-09

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