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Secrets of World War I in the Holy Land: An American Spy in Plain View? 2024-January-18
Can Israel Have Peace with Saudi Arabia? 2024-January-14
South Africa's Genocide Accusation Against Israel Is a Cynical Abuse of the ICJ2024-January-10
The Invasion-Mass Murder Strategy of Hamas and Hizbullah 2024-January-08
To Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: First Confront Iran 2024-January-08
Will Hamas Commander Yahya Sinwar Escape Gaza or Go Down in a Blaze of Glory?2024-January-04
Hamas Moves to Guerrilla Warfare in Gaza 2024-January-03
Israel Must Send a Clear Message to the U.S. 2024-January-03
Does the World Hate Gaza and the Gazans?2024-January-03
America's Mainstreaming of Hamas, Antisemitism and Terror 2024-January-02
Israeli Soldiers Want to Save the Country2023-December-29
Securing the "Philadelphi Corridor": A Strategic Imperative for Israel 2023-December-28
A Coordinated Media Attack on Israel by The New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN2023-December-28
How Israel Can Ensure Security in Post-War Gaza2023-December-25
To Defeat Terror, Lenient Sentences for Terrorists Must End2023-December-25
Qatar's Role in Undermining Israel's Legitimacy on U.S. University Campuses2023-December-21
Israel's Existential War against Moral Incertitude: A Historical Perspective2023-December-18
Iran's Grand Strategy to Destroy Israel Is Proceeding Apace2023-December-11
After the War: A Two-State Solution?2023-December-07
Hamas Is Energized by Support on American Campuses2023-December-06
The Determination of Israel's Reservists2023-December-04
Hamas Also Slaughters Muslims2023-December-04
The Americans Want Israel to Avoid Evacuating Palestinians from Combat Areas, But This Will Put More Civilians in Harm's Way2023-December-01
Rejection of the UN Partition Plan of November 29, 1947, Was a Prequel to the October 7 Massacre2023-November-30
Summary Executions in the West Bank: The Disintegration of Palestinian Society 2023-November-28
The Hamas Casualty Figures in Gaza Are a Scam2023-November-27
This Is Not a "Let's Look at Both Sides" Moment 2023-November-27
The Houthis Represent a New Enemy for Israel to Contend With 2023-November-26
Video: Wounded Israeli-Arab IDF Officer Recalls October 72023-November-24
Israel's Soldiers Vow "Never Again"2023-November-20
What Comes "the Day After"?2023-November-20
Hamas' Grave Miscalculation on How Israel Would React2023-November-16
Iran Is Waiting to Reach a Nuclear Capability2023-November-16
Multiple Iranian Rockets and Drones Fired against Israel2023-November-15
The Palestinian Authority Cannot Govern Gaza2023-November-14
Hamas' "Numbers Warfare": Understanding Hamas' Casualty Reporting in the Gaza War 2023-November-13
Human Rights Watch: Destructive Agenda, Token Balance2023-November-12
After the Black Sabbath, the Light Will Return2023-November-08
Why a Humanitarian Ceasefire Will Bolster Hamas2023-November-08
Israel, U.S. Differ over Palestinian Authority's Future Role in Gaza 2023-November-06
To What Extent Does Hamas Represent the Palestinians?2023-November-06
The Turkish Regime Supports Terrorism2023-November-01
The Hamas Pogrom of October 7 2023-October-31
Anti-Israel Protests Stir Up Antisemitism 2023-October-31
Witness to an Apocalypse 2023-October-30
Video: Protecting the Jewish People and Making Peace with the Arab World by Wiping Out ISIS-Hamas2023-October-29
Hamas Is Causing Untold Suffering among the Palestinian People2023-October-27
Palestinian Authority Likely to Pay Millions to Hamas Perpetrators' Families 2023-October-26
A Journey to the Scene of the Massacre2023-October-25
Pillay's Pogrom: The UN Tells Palestinian Terrorists, "We Have Your Back" 2023-October-23

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