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The Palestinian Strategy: Internationalization of the Conflict Combined with a Popular Intifada2015-January-07
UN Resolution 242 Is Recognized as the Key UN Resolution on the Israeli-Arab Conflict 2015-January-06
The Fundamental Breach by the Palestinians of the Oslo Accords2015-January-05
Tension between Hamas Military and Political Wings2015-January-02
Is Abbas Serious about Taking Israel to the International Criminal Court?2015-January-01
The Failed Palestinian Effort at the UN 2014-December-31
Hamas' New Base in Turkey 2014-December-29
Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Have Their Sights on the West Bank and Jordan2014-December-24
Unmasking BDS: Radical Roots, Extremist Ends 2014-December-23
Iran Accelerates Arming of Hizbullah and Hamas2014-December-22
Is the Arab World Turning Its Back on the Palestinians?2014-December-19
Hamas and the Decision by the European Union Court2014-December-18
Hamas Slanders the PA's Mahmoud Abbas2014-December-15
In Algeria, "After President Bouteflika" Is Rapidly Approaching2014-December-12
Palestinian Participation in the "Assembly of States Parties to the ICC Statute" 2014-December-11
How the Islamic State (ISIL) Threatens the West2014-December-10
Egyptian President al-Sisi vs. Hamas2014-December-05
Abbas Shuts the Door to Negotiations with Israel2014-December-04
Internal Hamas Debate about Rethinking Policies2014-December-01
Hamas Embraces the Path of the Islamic State2014-November-28
Hamas-Fatah Rift Is Preventing the Rehabilitation of Gaza2014-November-26
Europe Takes Stronger Measures, Albeit Symbolic, to Condemn Israeli Policies2014-November-24
After the U.S. Mid-Term Elections: The Congressional Role in U.S.-Iran Policy 2014-November-18
The Hidden Hand of ISIS and Its Impact on Palestinian Escalation2014-November-14
The "Status Quo" on the Temple Mount2014-November-13
Iran's Supreme Leader Calls for Annihilation of Israel on Eve of Nuclear Talks2014-November-10
Iran Marks Ashura and the Takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran2014-November-07
How Iran Views the Fall of Sana'a, Yemen: "The Fourth Arab Capital in Our Hands"2014-November-04
The Long Road to Choosing Iran's Next Leader2014-October-31
Is Lebanon on the Brink of a New Civil War?2014-October-30
The UK, Swedish and Irish Parliamentary Recognition of Palestine - Legally, Historically and Politically Questionable2014-October-28
The Role of Hamas and Fatah in the Jerusalem Disturbances2014-October-27
Defensible Borders in the Age of the Islamic State2014-October-24
The Terrorism Threat to Canada2014-October-23
New Poll: 75 Percent of Israeli Jews Oppose a Palestinian State on the 1967 Lines, Israeli Withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, and the Division of Jeru2014-October-20
The Significance of the First Hizbullah Attack against Israeli Forces since 2006 2014-October-13
Yemen Changes Hands: Will an Iranian Stronghold Emerge near the Entrance to the Red Sea?2014-October-07
Abbas Justifies Palestinian Terror in UN Speech2014-September-30
Qatar's Support of Hamas and Jihadist Forces in the Middle East2014-September-23
Hamas Policy after the Gaza War2014-September-18
Is Abbas Serious about Going to the International Criminal Court?2014-September-17
Heavy Blow Administered to Assad's Foes2014-September-12
The Islamic State's Priorities2014-September-11
Israel's Decision to Declare 988 Acres of West Bank Territory as State Land2014-September-01
Iran's Threats to "Arm the West Bank" Must Be Taken Seriously2014-August-28
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Returns to Armed Struggle and Terror2014-August-21
Iran and the ISIS Challenge2014-August-18
The Gaza Water Crisis2014-August-15
Hamas' Psychological Military Strategies Against Israel2014-August-08
The Hamas Threat to the West Is No Different from the Islamic State2014-August-05

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