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Hamas Introducing New Legal Code Based on Islamic Religious Law 2008-November-14
Why Does Syria Insist on Harboring Terrorists? 2008-November-14
Toward a New Negotiating Paradigm 2008-November-14
No Ceremonies for Arafat in Gaza2008-November-12
Gaza Under Hamas Rule2008-November-12
Mubarak Feels Betrayed by Hamas2008-November-10
Syrian TV: Fatah al-Islam Men Confess to Damascus Bombing 2008-November-07
Report: Al-Qaeda-Linked Militant Arrested in Syria 2008-November-07
Palestinians in Lebanon Wary of Islamists 2008-November-07
Deep Disagreement Remains on Final-Status Issues 2008-November-07
Prospects for a Palestinian Unity Government 2008-November-04
In Lebanon, Pragmatism Tempers Jihadist Aims 2008-November-04
Palestinians Accuse Jews of Plotting to Cleanse Region of Arabs2008-November-03
Gaza Recovery Helped By Thriving Tunnel-Based Economy2008-November-03
Hamas Producing Another Palestinian Generation that Believes in Resistance 2008-October-31
Reform of the Palestinian Security Apparatuses 2008-October-31
Middle East Challenges for Next President 2008-October-30
Why Is the West Funding Abbas' Hate TV? 2008-October-28
PA Forbids Arab Residents of Jerusalem from Voting in Upcoming Municipal Election 2008-October-27
Hamas-Fatah Clashes Close Al-Azhar University in Gaza 2008-October-17
Geysers of Resistance to the PA Are Bubbling in the West Bank2008-October-16
Fatah Clan that Fled Gaza Returns 2008-October-13
Report: Hamas Accepts Extending Abbas' Presidency for Six Months 2008-October-10
PA Bracing for Possible Hamas Takeover 2008-October-06
IDF Central Command Head: "If We Leave West Bank, It's a Big Risk" 2008-October-03
Detainee in Palestinian Prison Said Tortured to Death 2008-October-02
Refusing to Compromise Carries a Price 2008-September-26
Outlook for Israeli-Palestinian Talks2008-September-19
Hamas Urges West Bank Gunmen to Fight Arrest by Fatah2008-September-18
Palestinian Politics More Important than Kadima Primary 2008-September-18
Abbas Aims to Stay in Office to 2010 Despite Hamas 2008-September-15
A Divided Palestinian Entity Is Unlikely to Become a Viable State 2008-September-15
End of Abbas' Term May Spell Violence2008-September-12
Barghouti Cannot Unite Palestinians2008-September-10
Disney Images Used by PA TV Again to Glorify Murder of Jews2008-September-10
Watching "Friends" in Gaza: A Culture Clash2008-September-09
Palestinian TV Teaches Children of a World Without Israel 2008-September-05
Gaza Strike Deepens Palestinian Rift 2008-September-03
PA Legislator Seeks to Reform Fatah 2008-September-02
Gaza Doctors Strike Against Hamas Sackings 2008-September-01
Al-Aqsa Brigades in Gaza Graduate Class of Fighters 2008-September-01
Israel Arrests Fatah Man Who Was Pardoned But Returned to Terror 2008-August-29
Forward to the Past 2008-August-29
Hamas Purges Gaza Schools of Rival Fatah Teachers 2008-August-28
Showboating over Gaza 2008-August-28
Book Review: Chasing a Mirage 2008-August-22
Gaza-Bound Activists Disregard Israeli Terror Victims2008-August-21
Abbas Holds Talks with Saudi King 2008-August-20
Hamas Rejects Arab Deployment Plan for Gaza 2008-August-20
Al-Qaeda Affiliate - Jaish al-Islam - Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza 2008-August-20

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