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New Technology Helps Defend Israel's Airspace 2023-May-29
IDF Downs Small Drone from Lebanon2023-May-29
Israel Enters Palestinian Cities to Fight Terror Only Because the PA Doesn't2023-May-29
Shots Fired at Israeli Family Driving in Samaria2023-May-25
Israel's Top Military Officers Warn of Conflict with Hizbullah2023-May-25
Dealing with the Threat from Iran's New Underground Nuclear Facilities 2023-May-25
Motivation to Enlist in IDF Remains High2023-May-25
The Happy, Smiling Soldiers of the IDF 2023-May-25
Three Palestinians Killed in Clashes with IDF in Nablus2023-May-22
Israeli Soldier Wounded in Huwara Car-Ramming2023-May-22
Should Jerusalem Accept Washington's Offer of Joint Military Planning on Iran? 2023-May-22
How Israel Exposed and Destroyed Islamic Jihad Rocket Production Sites in Gaza 2023-May-22
Gaza War Showcases Advanced Capabilities and Precise Coordination of Ground and Air Forces 2023-May-22
Israel's Operation in Gaza: A New Level in Precision Fighting2023-May-22
After Years of Air Campaigns, IDF Weighs Pinpoint Use of Ground Forces2023-May-18
IDF and Israel Security Agency Have a Full Clear View into Islamic Jihad2023-May-15
The IDF Is Closely Adhering to International Law in the Gaza Conflict 2023-May-15
Israel Immediately United in the Face of Palestinian Rocket Fire2023-May-15
Gaza Fighting a Warning to Bigger Enemies2023-May-15
IDF Summarizes Activities in Gaza Conflict 2023-May-15
Netanyahu: "With Complete Surprise and Continuous Initiative, We Eliminated Islamic Jihad's Entire Top Brass in Gaza"2023-May-15
Gazan Man Killed in Rocket Strike on Israel Recognized as Victim of Terror2023-May-15
Israeli Airstrikes Kill Three Palestinian Islamic Jihad Commanders in Gaza 2023-May-11
IDF Targets Commander of Islamic Jihad's Rocket Forces, Rockets from Gaza Kill Palestinian Civilians2023-May-11
U.S. and Britain Block UN Security Council Condemnation of Israel on Gaza2023-May-11
Israel Thwarted Palestinian Attempt to Produce Rockets in Jenin2023-May-11
Terrorist Responsible for Deaths of Tali Hatuel and Her 4 Daughters Killed in Airstrike 2023-May-11
Hamas Stays Out of Latest Rocket Fire from Gaza 2023-May-11
Israel's Treatment of Hunger-Striking Terrorist2023-May-11
Israeli Forces Eliminate Hamas Terrorists Who Murdered Three Israeli Women2023-May-04
Palestinians in Gaza Launch Rocket Barrages at Israel, IDF Responds2023-May-04
Tehran Already Violating Missile Embargo Set to Expire in October 2023-May-04
Israel Foils Palestinian Ramming, Stabbing Attack2023-May-01
Israel: Iran Gives Hizbullah $700 Million a Year, Is Driving Force of Current Escalation2023-April-24
Israel Seizes 63 Pistols Smuggled from Jordan 2023-April-24
Jerusalem Arab Dentist Convicted of Spying for Hizbullah2023-April-24
Palestinian Woman Stabs Israeli in Gush Etzion 2023-April-20
Shots Fired at Israeli Bus in Samaria2023-April-20
Israel Exposes Attempts by Iran to Recruit Palestinians2023-April-17
Israeli Intelligence Analysts Assess the Iranian Threat2023-April-17
Inside the IDF's Intelligence Target Bank Headquarters2023-April-13
Israel, Split and United2023-April-13
U.S. Company to Manufacture Light Armored Vehicles for Israel2023-April-10
IDF Strikes Hamas Targets in Gaza, Lebanon in Response to Rocket Fire2023-April-10
Palestinian Rescues Israeli Couple Who Were Attacked near Hebron2023-April-10
Two IDF Soldiers Stabbed by Palestinian in Central Israel2023-April-05
Israel Downs Iran-Linked Drone that Came from Syria 2023-April-03
Israel Shoots Down Aircraft over Gaza2023-April-03
Israeli Forces Arrest Two Palestinians in Nablus Linked to Huwara Attack 2023-April-03
The Lions' Den Terrorist Group Has Raised Its Head Again 2023-March-30

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