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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Winning the Peace in the Middle East: A Bipartisan Blueprint for Postwar U.S. Policy2003-May-02
New Critique of State Dept on Road Map and Syria 2003-April-22
Prospects for Democratization in a Post-Saddam Middle East2003-April-04
Road Map to Where?2003-April-04
The Shi'is and the Future of Iraq2003-March-19
Taba Mythchief2003-March-17
Iraq's al-Samoud: A Missile with Great Possibilities2003-March-06
A Fence That Makes Sense2003-February-25
Saddam's Ambassador to al-Qaeda 2003-February-25
Iran's Nuclear Program: Gathering Dust or Gaining Steam?2003-February-13
Reforming the Arab Stand: The Saudi Initiative2003-February-06
The Bush Administration in the Middle East: A Preview of 2003 2003-January-31
Ansar al-Islam: Iraq's Al Qaeda Connection2003-January-30
Criminal Enterprise in the Political Economy of Middle Eastern Terrorism 2003-January-21
Banning Hizballah Activity in Canada2003-January-13
Iran's Nuclear Activities: What Might the IAEA Learn?2003-January-03
Trouble in the House of Saud2002-December-31
Powell on Democracy in the Muslim World2002-December-26
Fatah-Hamas Relations: Rapprochement or Ready to Rumble?2002-December-25
Israel's Strategy in Curbing Palestinian Violence2002-December-17
Ein al-Hilweh: Lebanese Tinder Box2002-December-04
Untangling the Terror Web: al Qaeda is Not the Only Element2002-November-14
Syria Voted with U.S. on Arab Allies' Advice, UN Diplomats Say2002-November-11
Yemen's Problems with Islamic Terrorism2002-November-05
Gamal Mubarak: Successor Story in Egypt? 2002-October-29
Draft Text: The "Road Map" to a Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2002-October-25
Iraqi Regime Change and the Kurdistan Regional Government2002-October-11
Action on Iraq is Inevitable2002-October-08
How to Build a New Iraq after Saddam 2002-October-04
Syrian Sponsorship of Global Terrorism: The Need for Accountability2002-October-01
A Roadmap from Crawford to Baghdad2002-September-13
The Network of Terrorist Financing2002-August-23
Changing Rogue Regimes2002-August-16
Hizballah and the War on Terror2002-August-12
A Non-Marshall Plan for the Palestinian 2002-August-09
Defining Donor Requirements for Palestinian Reform2002-August-01
U.S. No-Fly Zones in Iraq: To What End? 2002-July-17
The Saudis and Saddam2002-July-10
Missile Testing and U.S. Middle East Policy 2002-July-05
Jewish Leaders Praise "Historic" Bush Speech2002-June-25
Reforming the Palestinian Security Services2002-May-23
An International Force in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: The Security Aspects2002-May-20
Bush Administration Considers Middle East Options 2002-May-10
Defensive Shield Counterterrorism Accomplishments 2002-May-03

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