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The "Day After" Scenario in Syria2012-December-19
No Palestinian State Has Been Created2012-December-14
Revolution Time Again for Egypt? 2012-December-13
The Rise of the Salafis in Lebanon: A New Sunni-Shiite Battlefield 2012-December-07
Europe's Hypocrisy at the UN2012-December-06
The Palestinian UN Upgrade: Setting Things Straight2012-December-06
The Iranian Role in the 2012 Gaza Conflict 2012-December-04
The Palestinians at the UN and the International Criminal Court2012-November-30
How Wars End 2012-November-23
The Long-Term Implications of the Israel-Hamas Clash 2012-November-21
Morsi's Dilemma2012-November-18
Nasrallah's Demons2012-November-16
The International Background to Hamas' Escalation Against Israel2012-November-15
Norwegian Diplomat Lashes Out at Israel2012-November-07
Brotherhood Dictatorship in Egypt? Not So Easy2012-November-06
Iran: Sanctions Biting, Nuclear Program Progressing2012-November-06
No Change in the Palestinian Position on the Right of Return2012-November-05
What Egypt's President Has Forgotten2012-October-25
Hizbullah's Unspoken War in Syria 2012-October-24
The Meaning of Benghazi for Israel and the Middle East2012-October-19
Israel Denies Agreement with U.S. on Golan Withdrawal2012-October-15
Prime Minister Netanyahu's Red Line on Iran2012-September-28
Egyptian Foreign Policy under Morsi2012-September-28
Hizbullah Threatens to Strike Strategic Israeli Targets 2012-September-25
Egypt's Shiite Minority: Between the Egyptian Hammer and the Iranian Anvil2012-September-24
Cairo and Benghazi: The Writing on the Wall 2012-September-19
Israeli Leader Sharpens Call on U.S. to Set Limits on Iran2012-September-12
The Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands: Toward Redressing Injustices on All Sides2012-September-11
Nuclear Weapons from Saddam to Iran: The Surprising Lessons for Israel from Captured Iraqi Documents2012-September-07
The Dangers of Accepting Iran as a Nuclear Threshold State 2012-August-31
Iran Ramps Up Its Genocidal Rhetoric 2012-August-28
Developments in Iran and Sinai Deepen Israel's Worries about Egypt2012-August-23
Sinai, the New Egypt, and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty2012-August-22
Will America Act Against Iran? 2012-August-17
The Role of Hamas in the Formation of Global Jihadi Networks in Sinai 2012-August-15
The Israel Border Attack's Unintended Consequences 2012-August-13
Kurdistan: The Next Flashpoint Between Turkey, Iraq, and the Syrian Revolt2012-August-06
The Radical Right in Europe 2012-August-03
Who Will Rule Egypt?2012-July-27
The Political Battle Over the 2012-July-20
Iran's Latest Missile Exercise: A Message of Force Projection 2012-July-18
Moment of Truth Approaching in Damascus 2012-July-17
Morsi's Victory and Egypt's Second Republic 2012-July-10
Will Egypt's New Leader Islamize Largest Arab State? 2012-June-25
The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed 2012-June-22
A Second Afghanistan in Mali? 2012-June-15
Israeli Settlements, American Pressure, and Peace 2012-June-15
Israel's Strategic Reality2012-June-12
Targeted Killings and Double Standards2012-June-06
Updating Israel's Security Policy2012-June-01

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