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Hudson Institute

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Muslims Project Islam's Worst Traits onto Israel and the Jews2010-November-19
Why Many Palestinians Don't Miss Yasser Arafat2010-November-18
Why Do Palestinians Attack Israeli Doctors and Ambulances? 2010-November-09
Israel Urges UN Not to Build Palestinian School Next to Hamas Arms Base2010-November-01
Are Settlements Really the Major Obstacle to Peace? 2010-October-26
Can Israel Be Jewish and Democratic?2010-October-25
Why Is Everyone Lying to the Palestinian Refugees?2010-October-22
Is Jerusalem Sacred for Muslims?2010-October-21
Egypt's Christians Fed to Muslim "Lions" 2010-October-21
The Peace Process is Back: Prepare for War 2010-October-15
Why Do Radical Muslims Want to Kill Europeans? 2010-October-08
Hizbullah Planning to Take Over Lebanon? 2010-October-08
In Sweden's Muslim Neighborhoods, Emergency Workers Refuse to Enter Without Police Protection 2010-October-01
Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided?2010-October-01
Negotiating in the Middle East - How the Other Side Sees It 2010-September-27
PA Wants to Kill Palestinians Who Do Business with Jews 2010-September-27
Islamists Force Spanish Nightclub to Change its Name2010-September-24
Gaza: Why Is Washington Sticking Its Head in the Sand?2010-September-17
First, Deal with the Enemies of Peace2010-September-14
What the White House Has to Do to Keep the Peace Talks Going2010-September-14
What Egypt's Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah Want in Washington2010-September-03
Accepting a Judenrein Palestine2010-September-01
What We Think and What the Arabs Believe 2010-August-25
Do Abbas and Fayyad Have a Mandate to Negotiate?2010-August-24
The Classic Islamic View of Jews 2010-July-29
U.S. Clueless in Gaza?2010-July-23
Palestinians in the Arab World: Why the Silence?2010-July-21
UN Moves Forward to Implement Goldstone Report2010-July-15
Could Jihadists Overthrow the Syrian Government?2010-July-01
Saudi Textbooks: Still Teaching Hatred2010-June-30
Middle East Proximity Talks: Questions for Washington2010-June-29
Turkey in Crisis 2010-June-25
The Palestinians: Who's Afraid of Elections? 2010-June-17
What About Hamas' Siege of Gaza? 2010-June-09
The Real Traitors2010-May-27
"Proximity Talks" Benefit Hamas and Iran2010-May-13
Turkey: Between Ataturk's Secularism and Fundamentalist Islam 2010-May-10
Learning from Previous Mistakes2010-April-30
The Internal Palestinian Debate 2010-April-23
Why Salam Fayyad Cannot Deliver2010-April-23
The Palestinians' Dirty War2010-April-19
The Palestinians: Why Negotiate? The U.S. Will Extract Concessions for You2010-April-07
The Conflict between the U.S. and Israel Must End Now2010-April-02
Are Europeans Thwarting Normalization?2010-March-31
How Our Muslim Allies Understand the "Crisis" Between the U.S. and Israel2010-March-22
Hurva Synagogue Restored in Jerusalem's Old City2010-March-12
For Israel's Arabs It Is Not Apartheid2010-March-10
PA Escalating Tensions with Israel2010-March-02
PA Still Stealing "Hundreds of Millions" 2010-February-25
If Israel Killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, Did It Have the Right To? 2010-February-19

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