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The Case Against Israel Has Just Collapsed 2024-May-19
Israelis Respond to Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms to Defeat Hamas in Rafah 2024-May-12
The Western Press Ignores Two Billion Muslims to Focus on Six Million Jews2024-May-12
Hamas Has a Vested Interest in Prolonging the Ceasefire Negotiations2024-May-07
How Do Palestinians View the U.S. "Campus Intifada?"2024-May-07
Hamas Plays Westerners for Fools - Again 2024-May-05
Palestinian Militias Are Resurgent in the Northern West Bank2024-May-02
Hamas' Education of the Ivy League 2024-May-02
Jerry Rubin, an Icon of the '60s Protests, Knew the Difference between Genuine Activism for Peace and Today's Violent Extremism2024-April-30
Dutch Security Service: 10 Terror Plots Foiled in Europe in 20232024-April-25
True Advocacy for Palestinian Rights Means Condemning Iran's Unprovoked Aggression2024-April-21
The News Media Has Helped Normalize Hamas2024-April-16
Why Do Many People in Ireland Think It Perfectly Acceptable to Deny Israel's National Identity? 2024-April-14
Islamic Jihad Prisoners Say All Gaza Hospitals Used as Military Bases2024-April-09
Jordan: Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Acting to Foment Chaos in Kingdom in Service of Iran2024-April-07
When U.S. Troops Kill Aid Workers, It's "Friendly Fire." When Israel Does, It's a "War Crime."2024-April-07
What Happens if Israel Does Not Go into Rafah? Look at Afghanistan2024-April-07
The Israeli-Palestinian "Two State Solution"2024-April-07
If the West Abandons Israel, We All Lose 2024-April-07
It Would Be Insane for Britain to Ban Arms Sales to Israel 2024-April-07
How Much Is a Dead Jew Worth? 2024-April-04
The Real Reason Al Jazeera Faces Suspension in Israel2024-April-04
Hamas Document Reveals Palestinian Casualties from Failed Rocket Launches on Israel2024-April-02
Europe Is the Target of Jihadism and Islamism2024-March-31
Hamas and Islamic Jihad Chiefs Welcomed in Tehran2024-March-27
Terrorists Confess Shifa Hospital's Role as Gaza Terror Base 2024-March-27
IDF: Hamas Gunmen Are Destroying Shifa Hospital, Firing from Emergency Room, Maternity Ward2024-March-26
Gaza Doctors at Center of Harrowing BBC Report Are Long-Time Supporters of Hamas2024-March-25
In a Sane Universe, the Democratic World Would Pull Behind Israel until the War Is Won2024-March-25
Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad Political Bureau Arrested in Gaza's Shifa Hospital2024-March-24
Over 170 Terrorists Eliminated, 480 Arrested in Shifa Hospital Raid2024-March-24
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Must Reflect Reality 2024-March-24
Shifa Hospital Operation Nets Senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad Operatives2024-March-22
Watch: IDF Airstrike Kills Terrorist in Jenin behind Major Attacks2024-March-21
IDF Arrests 300 Suspects in Shifa Hospital, including Islamic Jihad Terrorists2024-March-20
Israel's "Allies" Should Reckon with Reality 2024-March-20
The U.S. Plan for Aid Relief in Gaza 2024-March-20
Gaza Must Be Deradicalized as well as Demilitarized2024-March-14
Stop Blaming the Jews - Hamas Is Starving Palestinians in Gaza2024-March-07
IDF: More than 450 Hamas and Islamic Jihad Terrorists in Gaza Are Employed by UNRWA2024-March-05
IDF Strikes Terrorists Minutes after Hamas Launches Rockets2024-March-04
IDF Conducts Wave of Strikes near Philadelphi Corridor2024-March-03
Hamas Seeks to Use Gaza Stampede to Stop the War2024-March-01
The Fictitious Distinction between Tehran and Its Proxies 2024-February-28
IDF Eliminates Palestinian Terrorist in Jenin en route to Commit Attack2024-February-23
Israeli Arab "Took Photos, Gave GPS Coordinates to Hamas"2024-February-21
The U.S. Knows Full Well that in Judea and Samaria It Is the Jewish Residents Who Are Under Threat2024-February-13
How the Gaza War Changed Israel's Vision of Security2024-February-08
Make Iran Fear America Again2024-February-07
Did UNRWA Deceive the Secretary of State to Receive U.S. Funding? 2024-February-02

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