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Anti-Israeli Bias in France2007-August-10
What the West Should Learn from the Assault on Israel and the Jews2007-August-08
Iran's Renewed Threats to Take Over the Arab Gulf States2007-July-20
What to Do Now About the Palestinian Authority?2007-July-13
Iran's Regional Ambitions: Implications for Israel, Iraq, and the Gulf States2007-July-11
Halting Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program: Iranian Vulnerabilities and Western Policy Options2007-July-05
Why Israel Must Now Move from Concessions-Based Diplomacy to Rights-Based Diplomacy2007-July-04
Forgotten Legal Rights2007-June-08
Components of Domestic Security in the Age of Global Jihadism2007-May-31
The Growing Hamas/Al-Qaeda Connection2007-May-18
The Sarkozy Victory2007-May-16
Israel, the European Commission, Europe and the Netherlands2007-May-11
Confronting Israeli Realities with Dutch Ones2007-May-04
Reviving Hitler's "Big Lie" to Vilify the Jewish State2007-May-03
Anti-Semitic Themes in Muslim Apocalyptic and Jihadi Literature 2007-April-27
The Strategic Challenge of Gaza2007-April-19
Terrorists Released in Prisoner Exchanges Revert to Terror 2007-April-12
Holocaust Inversion: The Portraying of Israel and Jews as Nazis2007-March-23
The Implications of a Nuclear Iran2007-March-23
Israel Official Expects Peace to Prevail2007-March-13
The New Demographic Balance in Europe and its Consequences2007-March-08
President Bush and the Qods Force Controversy: Lessons Learned2007-March-06
The International Implications of the Hamas-Fatah Mecca Agreement2007-February-15
Ahmadinejad, Iran, and Holocaust Manipulation: Methods, Aims, and Reactions2007-February-09
Misreading the Second Lebanon War2007-January-26
Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and the Global Jihad: A New Conflict Paradigm for the West2007-January-23
Is Gaza Becoming Another Lebanon?2007-January-22
The Arab World's Political Dilemma: Between Islamic "Resistance" and the Western State System2007-January-19
Can a Conventional Army Vanquish a Terrorist Insurgency?2007-January-18
How the Status of American Jewish Women Has Changed2007-January-05
Iran and the Holocaust Deniers2007-January-03
A Disproportionate Response? The Case of Israel and Hizballah2006-December-29
Syria Talks Would Legitimize Damascus Internationally2006-December-27
Words That Can Kill 2006-December-21
Moves to Charge Ahmadinejad with Incitement to Genocide2006-December-14
The Iraq Study Group: Implications for Israel 2006-December-08
How Should Israel Respond to War Crimes Accusations?2006-November-09
Managing Conflict: Can Religion Succeed Where Politics Has Failed? An Israeli Addresses a Global Peace Forum in Malaysia2006-October-31
Europe's Mindset Toward Israel as Accentuated by the Lebanon War2006-October-17
North Korea and Iran: Will Any Lessons Be Learned?2006-October-12
Ahmadinejad in New York 2006-September-13
Gen. Amidror: Hizballah's Recovery Timetable 2006-September-08
Israeli Media Attitudes toward the Holocaust2006-September-01
Hizballah's Rocket Campaign Against Northern Israel: A Preliminary Report2006-August-31
The Critical Importance of Israeli Public Diplomacy in the War Against the Iran-Hizballah Axis of Terror2006-August-23
Hizballah in Lebanon: The War Was Not Supposed to End This Way2006-August-22
Countdown to Conflict: Hizballah's Military Buildup and the Need for Effective Disarmament 2006-August-21
Europe and the War in Lebanon2006-August-17
The U.S.-French Draft UN Resolution on Lebanon: Strengths and Weaknesses2006-August-07
Is a Sustainable Cease-Fire in Lebanon Realistic? If Not, What Is the Alternative?2006-July-31

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