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The Academic Boycott of Israel: Why Britain?2005-September-02
Legal Acrobatics: The Palestinian Claim that Gaza is Still "Occupied" Even After Israel Withdraws 2005-August-26
International Organizations: Combating Anti-Semitism in Europe2005-August-12
After the Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza 2005-August-12
European Anti-Americanism (and Anti-Semitism): Ever Present Though Always Denied 2005-August-05
The Succession of Saudi King Abdallah, the Oil Market, and Regional Politics2005-August-03
A Return to Defensible Borders2005-August-03
Democratic Universality and Its Adversaries2005-July-29
Gaza Disengagement is about Defensible Borders for Israel2005-July-29
The Gaza Gamble: Israel's Long-Range Goal Is Borders It Can Defend 2005-July-22
The UN, the ICJ, and the Separation Barrier - War By Other Means2005-July-21
Are There Signs of a Jordanian-Palestinian Reengagement?2005-July-19
European Misreading of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Finnish Foreign Minister Tuomioja - A Case Study2005-July-12
The EU Constitutional Crisis, the Middle East, and Israel2005-June-24
Democracy as a Component of Security 2005-June-22
What Drives Saudi Arabia to Persist in Terrorist Financing? Al-Jihad bi-al-Mal - Financial Jihad Against the Infidels2005-May-26
What Drives Saudi Arabia to Persist in Terrorist Financing? Al-Jihad bi-al-Mal - Financial Jihad Against the Infidels 2005-May-26
CAMERA: Fighting Distorted Media Coverage of Israel and the Middle East2005-May-20
Rewriting Germany's Nazi Past - A Society in Moral Decline2005-May-19
Putin Leads Russia's Return to the Middle East and the Arab Embrace2005-May-09
Penitence and Prejudice: The Roman Catholic Church and Jedwabne2005-April-29
Being Leftist and Anti-Semitic in Germany2005-April-22
Undermining Mahmud Abbas: The "Green Revolution" and the Hamas Strategy to Take Over the Palestinian Authority2005-April-15
Deterrence Instability: Hizballah's Fuse to Iran's Bomb2005-March-30
Israel's Defense Industry as a Key Component of Israel's Qualitative Military Edge2005-March-14
What is the True Demographic Picture in the West Bank and Gaza?2005-March-11
The United Nations: Leading Global Purveyor of Anti-Semitism2005-March-11
The Quest for Democratic Political Reforms in the Middle East and the Prevailing Arab Political Culture2005-March-04
Jews Against Israel2005-February-25
How Egypt Molded Modern Radical Islam2005-February-16
Will Washington Support Democracy in Iran? 2005-February-11
The Palestinian "Temporary Cease-Fire": Israel's Political Risks and Opportunities with the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit Between Prime Minister Sharon and C2005-February-07
Evaluating Muslim-Jewish Relations in Britain2005-February-03
After the Palestinian Elections2005-January-21
Anti-Zionism in Belgium - The Country's Civil Religion that Reflects the New Anti-Semitism2005-January-14
What If Bush Invited Sharon and Abu Mazen to Camp David? The Prospects for Negotiations in the Post-Arafat Era2005-January-06
The Ayatollah and I2004-December-31
Can the UN Be Redeemed?2004-December-31
The Al-Qaeda Threat to Saudi Arabia's Oil Sector 2004-December-28
Lessons of the Gaza Security Fence for the West Bank2004-December-23
Fighting Anti-Israelism and Anti-Semitism on the American University Campus: Faculty Grassroots Efforts2004-December-17
Evaluating International Approaches to Security and Aid Following Disengagement in Gaza2004-December-06
Palestinian Priorities After Arafat: Palestinian Unity or Peace?2004-November-30
Ethical Dilemmas in Fighting Terrorism2004-November-26
Experiencing European Anti-Americanism and Anti-Israelism2004-November-19
Will a Gaza "Hamas-stan" Become a Future Al-Qaeda Sanctuary?2004-November-09
French Anti-Semitism: A Barometer for Gauging Society's Perverseness2004-October-29
Israel and Europe: An Expanding Abyss 2004-October-22
Lessons from Northern Ireland for the Arab-Israeli Conflict2004-October-19
Israel's Commitment to Domestic and International Law in Times of War2004-October-13

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