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Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace2011-December-20
550 Palestinian Prisoners Released in Second Stage of Shalit Swap2011-December-19
Blast Hits Egypt's Gas Pipeline to Jordan, Israel 2011-December-19
IDF: In the Arab World Shake-Up, Syria Is Next2011-December-16
40 Dead in Syria as Troops Raid Hama2011-December-15
Swiss Charge 3 in Nuclear Smuggling Case2011-December-15
Syria: 47 Dead as Activists Warn of "Real Massacres" 2011-December-14
Keep the Temple Mount Open2011-December-14
Veteran Israeli Diplomat: Beware the Arab Spring 2011-December-14
Mughrabi Bridge to Temple Mount in Jerusalem Closed Due to Safety Concerns2011-December-12
Arabs Scared of the Truth 2011-December-08
Fayyad: Politics Not Ripe for Palestinian Statehood Bid 2011-December-06
UN Passes Israeli Agricultural Proposal 2011-December-05
Jordan: The Western Wall Is Muslim 2011-November-30
UNESCO: Jordan Had Agreed to the Renovation of the Mughrabi Bridge 2011-November-30
Israel Delays Replacement of Jerusalem's Mughrabi Bridge after Egypt, Jordan Warnings2011-November-28
Saboteurs Blow Up Egypt Gas Pipeline to Jordan, Israel - Again2011-November-28
The 2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll2011-November-24
Will Jordan Become Hamas' New Home? 2011-November-23
Jordan: Our Relations Are with PA, Not Hamas2011-November-23
Jordan Starts to Shake2011-November-23
Palestinian Right of Return? Not in My Backyard2011-November-18
Israel Decries Continued Rocket Fire from Gaza2011-November-17
Anti-Israel Activists Planning New Challenges to Israel 2011-November-17
Fighting in Syria Kills 40 near Jordan Border2011-November-15
The Empirical Case for Defensible Borders2011-November-15
Egypt Arrests 16 over Attacks on Gas Pipeline to Israel2011-November-14
Arab Spring, American Winter2011-November-14
Prisoner Swap Opens Way for U.S. to Prosecute Terrorists Who Slew U.S. Citizens2011-November-11
Egypt's Gas Pipeline to Israel Blown Up for Seventh Time2011-November-10
Jordan Tries Rapprochement with Hamas2011-November-09
Syria's Choice: Murderous Secular Regime or Islamic Fundamentalists 2011-November-04
Defections Test Assad's Ability to Sustain Crackdown2011-October-28
Jordan's King to Share Power in Forming Cabinet2011-October-27
Poll: Syria's Assad Losing Support in Arab World 2011-October-26
Jordan's King Abdullah: Syrian Regime Won't Reform2011-October-26
Israel to UN: Sustainable Peace Must Be Negotiated 2011-October-25
The Mughrabi Gate to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem: The Urgent Need for a Permanent Access Bridge 2011-October-24
For Some Palestinians Released in Prisoner Swap, Freedom Is Relative 2011-October-21
Driver of Sbarro Restaurant Suicide Bomber to Be Freed2011-October-17
U.S. and Iranian Strategic Competition 2011-October-14
What Will Iran Do If Assad Falls?2011-October-14
Israel Does Not Stand Alone2011-October-14
Jordan: 5,000 Protest Against Corruption, Demand Faster Reforms 2011-October-10
Jordan: All Quiet on the Eastern Front?2011-October-07
Demographic Optimism in the New Year2011-October-06
Protocols of the Elders of Crazy2011-October-06
Israel's Bitter Lessons from International Forces 2011-October-04
Obama's Speech at UN Should Not Have Been a Surprise2011-October-04
Iran's Supreme Leader Assails Two-State Solution for Palestinians and Israel2011-October-03

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