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India-Israel Ties: How India's Approach Has Changed2021-December-30
Israel Is the Best Thing to Happen to Christians in the Holy Land for Centuries 2021-December-27
Hamas' Growing Armed Presence in Lebanon 2021-December-23
Palestinian Land Grab in Area C of West Bank2021-December-23
Latest Palestinian Attacks Are Motivated by Incitement Combined with Hamas' Interest to Increase Terror 2021-December-20
U.S.-Israel Talks in Washington Highlight Disagreements over Iran's Nuclear Program 2021-December-13
Israel Completes Upgraded Barrier with Gaza 2021-December-09
Morocco Welcomes Israel's Defense Minister2021-December-02
Israel Signals Confidence in Its Relationship with Biden 2021-November-22
American Jews Face Anti-Semitism in Washington, D.C. 2021-November-18
Hamas' Growing Role in Iran's Scheme to Encircle Israel 2021-November-11
Israel's Supreme Court Rejects Palestinian Bid to Block Elevator at Tomb of Patriarchs2021-November-08
Israel to Allow In More Palestinian Workers2021-November-08
A Blurred Line between Civil Society and Terrorism: Examining Charges of NGOs Funding the PFLP2021-November-08
How Denmark, Sweden, the UN, and the EU Got Suckered into Funding a Terror Organization2021-October-25
Iran's Syria Project Begins to Stutter2021-October-18
EU Announces Moves to Fight Anti-Semitism while Bankrolling Palestinian Hatred of Jews2021-October-11
The Israeli Government Undermines Efforts to Stop Palestinian Authority Salaries to Terrorists2021-October-11
Iranian Foreign Assassination Campaign Uncovered in Colombia2021-October-07
Hamas Is Building a Second Front Against Israel in Lebanon2021-October-07
Israel Wants U.S. to Join It in Delaying Iran's Nuclear Project2021-September-06
The Taliban's Palestinian Partners: Implications for the Middle East Peace Process 2021-September-06
A New Israeli Prime Minister Visits the White House 2021-August-26
The Lesson from Afghanistan: Israel Must Recognize the Limits of Superpower Support2021-August-23
Iran Is Testing All Boundaries 2021-August-12
Egypt's Nile Water Conspiracies 2021-August-12
Ship Attack Exposes Iran's Empty Toolbox2021-August-02
Iran's Nuclear Program a Central Pillar of Its "Shi'ite Revival" Vision 2021-August-02
How Turkey and Iran Infiltrate Young American Minds2021-July-26
The "Apartheid" Poll and the Disinformation Discourse 2021-July-22
Hamas Rocket Attack from Gaza Provoked Major Israeli Policy Shift 2021-July-08
Hamas Works with Hizbullah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War2021-July-08
Experts Warn of Iran's Quest for Hegemony2021-July-05
U.S. Opposes Conditioning Gaza Reconstruction on Return of IDF Troops' Bodies 2021-July-01
Broad Consensus in Israel over Security Challenges2021-July-01
It's Time Ilhan Omar and "the Squad" Learned the Truth about Israel and Hamas2021-July-01
Jordan Scraps Proposed Canal Linking Red Sea to Dead Sea2021-June-21
How Not to Think about the Conflict2021-June-17
The 2021 Gaza War: Hamas' Goals, Strategy, and Miscalculations2021-June-17
Prime Minister Bennett: Israel Will Not Allow Iran to Arm Itself with Nuclear Weapons2021-June-14
Divers Welcome at Israel's First Underwater National Park 2021-June-10
The 2021 Gaza War2021-May-27
Can Palestinian Politics Replace Violence and Terror? 2021-May-27
Israel Targeted Hamas' Precision Rocket Development Team2021-May-26
An Open Letter to My Palestinian Brethren 2021-May-21
Abraham Accords Hold Firm Despite Gaza Conflict 2021-May-20
Iran's War on Israel: Hamas Is a Weapon, and the Palestinians Are Pawns2021-May-19
Hamas Jeopardizes International Aid2021-May-16
IDF Strikes Top Hamas Command 2021-May-13
The Unwitting Western Supporters of Palestinian Jihad2021-May-12

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