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Jordan and the Faltering Fortunes of the Arab Spring 2013-May-14
Defending "Red Lines" and Defensible Borders 2013-May-10
Kerry Betting on the Wrong Horses2013-May-09
Iraqi Shiite Leader Urges Syria to Strike Back at Israel2013-May-06
Iran's Plans to Take Over Syria2013-May-02
Italian Police Arrest Four Islamist Militants 2013-May-01
Investigating Chemical Weapons Use in Syria2013-April-30
Syria Is Really a Proxy Religious War between Sunnis and Shiites2013-April-25
U.S. Asks for UN Official's Resignation for Comments on Boston Blasts2013-April-24
1,200 Hizbullah Fighters Arrive in Syria to Back Assad Forces2013-April-15
Al-Qaeda Reveals True Role in Syrian Insurgency Through Al-Nusra 2013-April-11
Iraqi Al-Qaeda and Syrian Group 'Merge'2013-April-10
Iran Beyond Oil?2013-April-09
Obama's Middle East Challenges2013-April-05
No More Incentives for Iran2013-April-04
Facing Iraq for Round 2 2013-April-03
Turkish Trucks Pass through Israel to Reach the Gulf 2013-April-03
Sorting Out the Syrian Opposition 2013-April-03
Islamist "Cleansing" of Christians in Mideast2013-April-02
Iraq Feels Ripples from War in Syria2013-March-29
Palestinian Anti-Obama Protesters, Police Clash2013-March-20
Forget the Fatwa2013-March-19
CIA Begins Sizing Up Islamic Extremists in Syria for Drone Strikes 2013-March-18
Syria's Bloody Anniversary 2013-March-15
Iran Plays the Waiting Game2013-March-14
Iran Steps Up Weapons Support to Syria2013-March-14
Arabs Increasingly Hostile toward Iran2013-March-08
Dozens of Syrian Troops Killed in Iraq after Seeking Refuge2013-March-05
Ex-IDF Military Intelligence Chief: Iran Strike "Is Not a War, This Is a One-Night Operation"2013-March-05
Permission from the Powerless2013-March-03
Freshwater Losses in the Middle East2013-March-01
Heroes to Heroes Helps Wounded U.S. Vets Recover2013-March-01
Tribes with Flags: The Myth of Arab Statehood2013-February-28
Bahrain Says Iran, Hizbullah Behind "Terror Cell" 2013-February-21
Iran Grooming an Iraqi Hizbullah 2013-February-20
Syria: The Growing Power of Jihadist Groups2013-February-18
Tunisians Head Abroad to Perform Jihad 2013-February-15
U.S. Options in Syria Worsen2013-February-15
Israel's Challenging Diplomatic Predicament2013-February-15
Report: Tehran Removing Key Intelligence Material from Damascus2013-February-14
Will the Al-Qaeda Affiliates Ousting Assad Turn to Israel Next? 2013-February-12
Iran and Hizbullah Build Militia Networks in Syria in Event that Assad Falls2013-February-11
Ahmadinejad in Egypt: Not the Start of a Beautiful Friendship2013-February-08
Is Palestinian-Israeli Peace the Key to Happiness in the Middle East?2013-February-08
Israeli Official: Turkish Tirades Reveal "Brazen Hypocrisy" 2013-February-05
Report: Israeli Airstrike in Syria Hit Iranian Guards2013-February-04
Countering al-Qaeda 2.02013-January-31
Ehud Barak: U.S. Could Strike Iran to Block Nuclear Progress2013-January-28
Missed Opportunities for Reform in Jordan 2013-January-23
Video Appears to Show Hizbullah and Iraqi Shiites Fighting in Syria2013-January-21

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