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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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The Role of Iraqi Security Forces in Defeating the Islamic State2017-March-30
Rebel Push on Damascus Shows Syria's War Is Far from Over2017-March-23
Iran Loses Thousands, 10 Generals in Syria-Iraq Wars 2017-March-21
Iran's Budgets Are Fiction 2017-March-17
U.S. Should Warn Russia to Keep Iran and Hizbullah Away from Israel's Syrian Border2017-March-16
Is Iran Attempting to Thwart U.S. Surveillance of Its Missile Tests?2017-March-10
The Internal Collapse Facing Lebanon's Shiites2017-March-07
Bab al-Mandab Shipping Chokepoint Under Threat 2017-March-02
Hizbullah Losing Its Luster under Iranian General Soleimani 2017-February-23
What Is Trump's Israel Policy?2017-February-20
The Road to Peace2017-February-17
Reinforcing the Role of Sanctions in Restraining Iran 2017-February-17
Change Has Not Come to the Middle East 2017-February-17
The Plan to Defeat ISIS: Key Decisions and Considerations2017-February-14
A How-to Guide for Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem 2017-February-01
Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem2017-January-31
Jordan's King Abdullah Visits Washington2017-January-31
What Would the U.S. Gain from Moving Its Embassy to Jerusalem? 2017-January-26
The Dangers of a Unilateral Israeli Withdrawal from the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem2017-January-24
U.S. Should Isolate Iran Immediately2017-January-20
Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem2017-January-19
Commercial Diplomacy in the Middle East2017-January-12
Restoring U.S.-Israel Meetings of the Mind2017-January-04
UN Resolution Is Not Balanced2016-December-25
The United States Just Made Middle East Peace Harder2016-December-25
Egyptian and Israeli Cold Peace Has Never Been Warmer 2016-December-16
The Aleppo Betrayal 2016-December-09
Status of the Syrian Rebellion2016-November-25
Iran and China Are Strengthening Their Military Ties2016-November-23
In Trump Era, Israel Sees Opportunity to Shift U.S. Approach to Iran 2016-November-21
In Syria's Aleppo, Shiite Militias Point to Iran's Unparalleled Influence 2016-November-21
Everyone Loves Israel - Until They Don't2016-November-15
The Role of Missiles in Iran's Military Strategy2016-November-11
Egypt and Israel's Growing Economic Cooperation2016-November-04
Battle for Mosul on Schedule2016-November-03
Post-Caliphate: The Future of the Salafi-Jihadi Movement2016-November-02
A New President for Lebanon2016-November-01
Hizbullah's Criminal Networks2016-October-27
The Temples of Jerusalem in Islam2016-October-20
Nasrallah: "As Long as Iran Has Money, Hizbullah Has Money"2016-October-19
Shimon Peres Was Israel's Quintessential Zionist2016-September-29
Jordan's Strategic Decision to Buy Israeli Gas2016-September-27
Cracking the Israeli-Palestinian Security Challenge 2016-September-27
The New York Bomber Was Not a Lone Wolf2016-September-22
Iran Cannot Be a Partner in the Struggle Against ISIS 2016-September-21
Israeli National Security Strategy 2016-September-20
A Message of Strong, Long-Term U.S. Support for Israel at a Time of Massive Regional Turbulence 2016-September-16
Why Palestinians Should Support "Normalization" with Israel2016-September-16
Deterring Iranian Provocations at Sea2016-September-13
In Saudi Arabia, a Revolution Disguised as Reform 2016-September-13

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