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Amir Taheri

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Syria: Enemies Masquerading as Friends2024-December-10
Are Iran's Revolutionary Guards Capable of Fighting a Real War? 2024-September-10
The BBC and the IRGC Report on the Gaza War2024-January-15
Hamas Did Not Attack Israel due to Economic Hardship 2024-January-08
Why Did Hamas Attack Israel? 2023-October-23
Hamas and Israel: What Next? 2023-October-17
Iran's Unhappy Workers2023-May-11
Culture War in Iran 2023-May-01
The "Two-State Solution": An Exercise in Diplomatic Wild Goose-Chasing2023-January-12
Iran's Ruling Elite Do Not Resemble Average Iranians2023-January-05
The Khomeinist System Is on Borrowed Time2022-November-07
Iran Regime Officials Seek Future in U.S.2022-October-27
Iran: Freedom-Lovers Win a Round2022-October-20
Tehran Debates the Bomb 2022-September-01
Why Economic Carrots Won't Appease Iran2022-August-01
The Ayatollah's Model for the World2022-July-07
Night Falls on Afghanistan: Again2021-August-23
The Ayatollah's Game Plan 2021-June-10
Iran: Gaza Is "the Advance Bunker of the Resistance Front"2021-May-31
Why Should the U.S. Bother to Stop the Mullahs?2021-April-19
Iran's "Supreme Guide" Sets Conditions for Election Candidates 2021-February-04
Has the Iranian Regime Begun to Modify Its Behavior?2020-March-10
Tehran's "Deciders" Are an Increasingly Isolated Minority2020-February-07
Soleimani's Death Upsets Iran's Plan2020-January-17
After Wave of Protests, Iran Speaks of Public Hangings, Threatens West2019-November-29
Misunderstanding the Iraqi Uprising2019-November-21
Growing Threats to Iran's Middle East Empire2019-November-11
Why Iran's Soleimani Misreads Lebanon2019-October-25
If the U.S. Wants to Make a Deal with the Regime in Tehran, It Should Talk to Khamenei, Not Rouhani2019-September-06
An English Misunderstanding of Iran2019-July-29
Are Iran Sanctions Working? 2019-July-11
Why Does the Iranian Ruling Clique Hate America?2019-June-10
The Floods and the Mullahs2019-April-08
How the EU Supports the Islamic Republic2019-February-01
Iranians Demand a Normal State 2019-January-11
How Tehran Lobbyists Mislead Opinion in the West 2018-June-28
Deal-Making in the Middle East2018-March-02
Trump's New Strategy on Iran2017-October-18
Kissinger's Flawed Analysis of ISIS and Iran 2017-August-23
An End of Trickery on Iran 2016-November-22
America's Long Record as a Defender of Muslims2015-December-24
Do the Iranian People Support the Deal?2015-August-17
Ayatollah Khamenei Publishes Book on How to Destroy Israel2015-August-06
What U.S. Leaders Have Never Understood about Iran2015-July-20
Fatigue in the Arab World with the Palestine Issue2015-July-17
Iran's Persian Statement on "Deal" Contradicts U.S. Claims2015-April-06
Do the Palestinians Want a Two-State Solution?2015-March-24
We're Letting Iran and ISIS Carve Up Iraq2015-March-17
Iran's Suspect Deal in the Making2015-March-06
Is ISIS the Champion of the Downtrodden? 2015-February-27

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