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Michael Young

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America Just Cannot Be the Loved One 2012-September-14
Criticism in Israeli Parliament Over German Circumcision Ban 2012-July-12
The Generals, Not the Dictator, Hold the Keys to the Regime2012-June-22
Assad's Sectarian Strategy2012-June-08
The Annan Plan Will Bring More Violence 2012-March-30
The Syrian Uprising's Impact on Minorities 2012-March-02
Why We Fight2012-February-24
Homs, Anvil of Syria 2012-February-13
Arab League's Indecision Fueling Assad's Belligerence2012-January-13
Arab Uprisings Bring a Change in Priorities 2011-December-30
Turkey Seen Now as More Part of the Problem than the Solution2011-October-06
Assad's Overreach Pushes Former Allies into a Corner2011-August-11
New Cracks Form in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood2011-June-27
A Foreign Policy of Instability Cannot Save Syria at Home2011-June-10
No Reform Option in Syria2011-May-13
Hizbullah, at Home Alone 2011-March-29
Muslim Brotherhood a Rising Force in a New Egypt2011-March-25
Saudi Troops Intervene to Shore Up Bahrain's Monarchy 2011-March-15
Can Syria Accept a Hizbullah-Dominated Lebanon? 2011-January-21
A White House Clueless on Syria 2011-January-03
Free Israel Tours Bolster Ties with Young U.S. Jews 2010-August-27
Cracks in the Iranian Monolith2010-August-24
Syria's Old Habit of Dominion over Lebanon Dies Hard 2010-July-23
Hizbullah Is Readying Lebanon for War2010-July-16
Gazans Locked in Despair and Plagued by Disunity2010-July-14
Outside the Box, or Out of Their Minds?2010-July-09
Turkey's Embrace Troubles Hizbullah 2010-July-02
Gilad Shalit: Hostage of Hamas2010-June-25
The End for America in the Middle East? 2010-May-14
Syria Seeks a Military Return to Lebanon2010-April-16
Sen. Kerry Meets Syria's Assad 2010-April-02
A Long-Term Truce in the West Bank 2010-March-12
New U.S. Ambassador Faces a Syria Stuck in its Ways2010-February-11
For Israel, Shalit Case Is Personal2009-November-24
Chinese Jewish Descendants Start a New Life in Israel2009-October-23
Lebanon's Government Crisis Is About Syria 2009-September-11
Obama's Mideast Vision 2009-August-28
Why It's Dangerous to Talk to Armed Islamists2009-May-15
The Palestinian Cause is Being Hijacked2009-March-27
Saudi Court Sentences 75-Year-Old Woman to Lashes 2009-March-12
Talking to Hamas Undermines Palestinian Moderates 2009-March-05
Engaging Iran2009-February-13
Obama to Name Sen. Mitchell as Mideast Envoy2009-January-20
Gaza Hides a War Over the Arabs' Future 2009-January-02
Hamas Offers Decades of Armed Struggle2008-December-26
Generation Faithful: Jordanian Students Embracing Conservative Islam2008-December-24
Prying Syria From Iran Is Counter-Intuitive2008-December-19
Syria Pushes the Envelope in Northern Lebanon 2008-September-26
Beware, the Friends of Bashar Are Here 2008-September-05
Holocaust Remembrance Day's Torch-Lighters2008-May-01

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