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The Gaza War 2021: An Overview 2021-June-24
Hizbullah: The World's Most Dangerous Terrorists2021-June-21
The 2021 Gaza War: Hamas' Goals, Strategy, and Miscalculations2021-June-17
The Baseless Charge that Israel Is an Apartheid State, Again2021-June-14
Rift between Guardian Council and Ayatollah Khamenei ahead of Iranian Presidential Elections 2021-June-07
Hamas' War Crimes and Israel's Right to Self-Defense2021-June-03
Lessons from the 2021 Gaza War for Iran and Hizbullah 2021-May-27
Who Is Watching the Human Rights Watchers?2021-May-27
The Destruction of the Temple Mount Antiquities2021-May-27
Iran Working to Ignite an Intifada in West Bank2021-May-20
Iran's Supreme Leader: The Global Balance of Power Is Tilting toward "Palestine" and Muslims2021-May-20
Tell Us, Europe, What Should Israel Do? 2021-May-20
Gaza's International Protectors Have Eyes, But Do Not See2021-May-20
Hamas vs. Israel: Psychological Asymmetry in Action 2021-May-19
Hamas Is Acting as an Arm of Iranian Power 2021-May-19
Behind the Outbreak of Palestinian Violence2021-May-14
What Is Hamas Trying to Achieve by Fighting Israel? 2021-May-12
Muslim Historians Confirm Jewish Ties to Jerusalem2021-May-12
The Unwitting Western Supporters of Palestinian Jihad2021-May-12
Who Is Behind the Disturbances in Jerusalem? 2021-May-11
The "Al-Aqsa Is in Danger" Lie that Sets Jerusalem Alight 2021-May-11
Jerusalem Day: A City Reunited, Forever2021-May-10
Morocco's Battle Against Islamic Jihadi Terrorism2021-May-10
The End of Europe's Romance with Palestinian Terror? 2021-May-10
Israel Prepares for U.S. Return to Iran Nuclear Deal 2021-May-06
Why Is a Meeting in San Remo 101 Years Ago So Important?2021-May-06
U.S. Acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide: Implications for Current Genocidal Threats2021-May-06
Some Sanity re: Hannity2021-May-06
The Sealing of Iran's Plutonium Reactor Was a Photoshopped Ruse2021-May-03
Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif's Leaked Tape: Revolutionary Guards and Soleimani Sought to Control Iranian Diplomacy 2021-April-29
Simply Returning to the JCPOA Would Be a Huge Mistake 2021-April-29
Video: The Growing Iranian Threat to Regional and Western Security2021-April-29
Condition Reopening Washington PLO Office on Ending PA's "Pay to Slay" Program 2021-April-29
I Left Apartheid South Africa. Applying the Term to Israel Is Dishonest2021-April-29
What Does the Return of the "Two-State Solution" Mean?2021-April-26
Will the Shift in Israeli Arab Politics Change the Palestinian Discourse? 2021-April-22
Internal Tensions in Jordan Reflect Unrest among Bedouin Tribes 2021-April-22
Defensible Borders for Israel: An Updated Response to Advocates and Skeptics 2021-April-22
Iran Expert: Natanz Explosion Could Mean Years of Work Down the Drain2021-April-14
Israel Is Showing that There Are Better Ways to Prevent Iran from Producing Nuclear Weapons2021-April-14
The First Lesson of the Holocaust: The Jewish People Will Never Allow Anyone to Do This to Us Again2021-April-14
The Iranians Initiated the Shadow Sea War2021-April-12
Bahrain Jewish Community Holds Holocaust Remembrance Day Event2021-April-08
The False Claim that Israel Is Bound to Lose Either Its Jewish or Democratic Identities2021-April-05
Biden's Israeli-Palestinian Reset Is Premature, Ill-Advised2021-April-05
The Palestinian Authority's Financial Support for Terrorism Circumvents U.S. and Israeli Law2021-March-29
No Agreement is Better than Another Bad Agreement with Iran2021-March-29
Recalibrating the Diplomacy of Middle East Peace 2021-March-29
The Planned Palestinian Election Is Really a Battle within Fatah2021-March-25
Ethiopia's Dam over the Nile Risks War with Egypt2021-March-25

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