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Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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The UK, Swedish and Irish Parliamentary Recognition of Palestine - Legally, Historically and Politically Questionable2014-October-28
Israel to Send Aid to Africa to Combat Ebola2014-October-06
Is Abbas Serious about Going to the International Criminal Court?2014-September-17
Letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by the Parents of the Late Daniel Tregerman, Age 4 1/2 2014-September-05
Dear Secretary General: Blaming Israel While Ignoring Hamas Aggression Discredits the UN 2014-August-22
Israel: Appointment of Outspoken Critic of Israel as Chair of Gaza Commission of Inquiry a "Travesty of Justice"2014-August-13
The Myth of an Israeli Siege on Gaza2014-August-13
Israel to UN: Hamas Must Be Disarmed, Gaza Must Be Demilitarized2014-August-07
The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation - Some Pertinent Legal Points2014-July-24
IDF Begins Ground Action in Gaza2014-July-18
The Palestinians Do Not Recognize the Jews' Right to a State2014-July-18
Video: What Israelis Experience During a Rocket Attack2014-July-16
Update: Palestinian Rocket Fire on Israel2014-July-15
Let's Think about Indonesia First, Then Palestine2014-July-10
Israel Builds Trade Gateway to Arab World 2014-July-04
After Murder of Palestinian Youth in Jerusalem, Israel Moves to Limit Expressions of Hatred2014-July-04
The Hostage Crisis and Palestinian Manipulation2014-June-27
Palestinians and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 2014-June-17
Europe's Complacency in the Face of Extremism and Anti-Semitism 2014-May-28
An Indisputable Historical Fact: Decisions by Palestinian Leadership Led to "Nakba"2014-May-08
Israel and China, a Win-Win Relationship 2014-May-05
PM Adviser's Book on Jerusalem Unity Published in China2014-May-05
Freedom of Worship at Holy Sites in Jerusalem2014-April-29
Wait for a Palestinian Leader Who Can Unite All Palestinians to Coexistence with Israel2014-April-18
Palestinian Deception and the Unwarranted Trust of the West: The Case of Palestinian Accession to International Conventions2014-April-17
"Occupied Territories" Is a Flawed and Biased Term2014-April-11
Changing the Historical Narrative: Saeb Erekat's New Spin2014-March-24
Don't Cancel Sale of Apache Helicopters to Egypt, Israel Urges U.S.2014-March-19
Arafat and the Jewish State: Setting the Record Straight2014-March-17
Israel: EU Can Examine Palestinian Prisoners' Conditions If Israel Can Examine European Prisons2014-March-10
Fundamental Facts Underlying the Peace Process2014-March-04
The Meaning of Israel as the State of the Jewish People 2014-February-28
Prime Minister Netanyahu Welcomes German Chancellor Merkel2014-February-25
The Impending Clash between Iran and Saudi Arabia2014-February-19
Don't Expect Abbas to Sign Anything 2014-February-18
Abbas Denies His Authority to Make Cardinal Decisions for a Lasting Peace Agreement2014-January-13
Hamas: Abbas Does Not Represent the Palestinians in Negotiations2013-December-31
International Humanitarian Law, ICRC and Israel's Status in the Territories2013-December-26
IsraAID Continues to Provide Relief to Philippines2013-December-06
Iran Deal Another Russian Diplomatic Victory over the U.S.2013-December-05
Key Implications of the Geneva Agreement on Iran's Nuclear Program 2013-November-26
Hamas and Hizbullah Face Reform or Collapse 2013-October-09
Netanyahu: Israel and U.S. in Full Agreement on Need to Prevent Nuclear Iran2013-October-07
President Obama's Shift on Syria and Western Strategy2013-September-04
Frustration and Disgust: International Inaction over Syria2013-September-02
Israel: Assad, Hizbullah, Iran Responsible for Attacks Against Civilians 2013-August-22
Needed: A Paradigm Shift in the Middle East Peace Process - Shlomo Avineri2013-July-26
West Bank Palestinians Enter Israel through Gaps in Security Barrier2013-July-25
The European Union - Hypocrisy, Hostility and Blatant Prejudice2013-July-19
Creating an Atmosphere Conducive to Real Negotiations 2013-July-10

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