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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Saudi Nuclear Weapons "on Order" from Pakistan 2013-November-07
The Syrian Regime's Willing Executioners 2013-November-05
The Need for Speed in Negotiations with Iran2013-October-31
How to Negotiate with Iran2013-October-29
Syria Seen as Haven for Mideast Terrorists Who Can Launch Attacks on West2013-October-24
What a Nuclear Deal with Iran Could Look Like2013-October-21
Next Steps with Egypt2013-October-16
Israel Doubts Ability of Diplomacy to Block Iranian Nuclear Weapons 2013-October-14
Al-Qaeda's Syrian Strategy2013-October-11
The Rise and Fall of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood 2013-October-11
Plans to Develop Gaza's Offshore Natural Gas 2013-October-11
Infographic - Asset Test: How the U.S. Benefits from Its Alliance with Israel2013-October-11
Israeli-Egyptian Peace Holding after Forty Years 2013-October-09
U.S. Should Hold Firm in Iranian Nuke Talks2013-October-08
Who Is Hassan Rouhani? 2013-October-03
Trust, But Clarify2013-October-02
Rouhani at the UN: Why Israel Remains Unconvinced2013-September-30
What If Insurgents Close the Suez Canal? 2013-September-27
Nuclear Talks with Iran: Diplomacy and Diminishing Time 2013-September-25
Syria's Lessons for the Iran Nuclear Talks2013-September-24
Beyond Words: Causes, Consequences, and Cures for Palestinian Authority Hate Speech 2013-September-20
Elite Syrian Unit Scatters Chemical Arms Stockpile2013-September-13
Assad Has All the Time in the World to Hide His Chemical Weapons 2013-September-13
Syrian Measures to Mitigate the Effects of a U.S. Strike 2013-September-10
Significant Regime Defection in Syria 2013-September-09
Syria Creates a Russian Safe Zone, Civilian Danger Zones2013-September-04
Linking Targets to Political Objectives in Syria2013-September-03
Striking Syria: Lessons from the Israeli Experience 2013-September-02
If Bombs Hit Damascus, Israel Looks to Tehran 2013-August-29
Bombing Syria: What's the Goal?2013-August-27
Taking Punitive Military Action Against the Syrian Regime2013-August-27
In Egypt, U.S. Is Better Off Doing Nothing2013-August-23
The Islamic Insurgency that Could Soon Hit Egypt2013-August-20
The Truth about Egypt2013-August-19
To Get an Israeli-Palestinian Agreement, U.S. Needs to Re-engage in the Mideast 2013-August-14
Former IDF Intelligence Chief: U.S. Coming Around on Iran Strike2013-August-07
Signs that Hamas Is Losing Its Grip on Gaza 2013-August-02
Iranian Presence in the Western Hemisphere2013-August-02
Europe's Moment of Decision on Hizbullah2013-July-25
The Value of Mideast "Talks about Talks"2013-July-25
Beware of Hizbullah in New York 2013-July-19
Momentum Shifts in Syria, Bolstering Assad's Position 2013-July-18
Key Christian Party in Lebanon Ends Alliance with Hizbullah 2013-July-17
Why the Brotherhood Won't Back Down2013-July-12
Egypt's Chaos and Its Implications for Israel2013-July-10
How Morsi Came Undone2013-July-09
Democracy in Egypt Needs More than an Election 2013-July-09
After Morsi's Ouster2013-July-04
Not by Sanctions Alone: Using Military and Other Means to Bolster Nuclear Diplomacy with Iran2013-July-02
Egypt Will Erupt Again on June 30 2013-June-28

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