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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Iran's Foreign Legion: Iraqi Shiite Militias in Syria2013-June-28
Talk to Iran's New President - Warily 2013-June-26
How the U.S. Gains from the Israel Alliance2013-June-24
Iranian Actions Speak Louder than Election Results 2013-June-21
Israel's Security Policy in a Changing Middle East 2013-June-19
Palestinians Need Tough Talk from Europe2013-June-17
Egypt's NGO Convictions Demand an Assertive Response 2013-June-05
Tests Ahead for New Palestinian Prime Minister 2013-June-05
Hizbullah's Declaration of War in Syria: Military Implications2013-May-31
Iranian Support for Terrorism and Violations of Human Rights2013-May-31
Will International Peacekeepers in the Sinai Be the Next Casualty?2013-May-29
Iran's Nuclear Games Demand a Tougher U.S. Approach2013-May-28
Hizbullah Commits to an All-Out Fight to Save Assad2013-May-27
Iran and the Arab World2013-May-22
Pressure of War Is Causing Syria to Break Apart2013-May-17
The Muslim Brotherhood's Empty Chair2013-May-14
Condemn the Iranian Government for Limiting Who Can Run for President2013-May-09
Israel Targeted Iranian Missiles in Syria Attack2013-May-06
Stalled Arab Peace Initiative Reaffirmed2013-May-03
Investigating Chemical Weapons Use in Syria2013-April-30
No Good Military Options for U.S. in Syria2013-April-29
Debating Next Steps on Iran2013-April-24
The Fayad Resignation: Scapegoating a State-Builder2013-April-17
The Syrian Opposition and Israel2013-April-17
Tired of the Brotherhood, Egyptians Want the Military Back - But Only Temporarily2013-April-12
Real Passports, Fake Drivers' Licenses - How Hizbullah Slowly Infiltrated Europe2013-April-11
Iran Beyond Oil?2013-April-09
Report: Iran's Qods Force Monitored Bulgarian Synagogue 2013-April-02
Arms for Syria's Rebels: Shaping the War's Outcome 2013-March-27
Obama Aligns U.S. Policy with Israel on Resuming Peace Talks2013-March-25
Israel's High-Tech Pipeline to the U.S. 2013-March-22
Forget the Fatwa2013-March-19
Mideast Seeks a New Commitment from Obama 2013-March-19
Hizbullah's European Enablers2013-March-14
Getting Carrier Out of the Gulf Good for U.S. Iran Policy2013-March-13
UN Peacekeepers on the Golan Heights at Risk2013-March-12
Is Iran Out-Negotiating the Obama Administration?2013-March-05
How to Jumpstart U.S. Strategy toward Iran 2013-February-26
In Syria, New Weapons to Rebels Tilts the Battle Against Assad2013-February-25
Cyprus Bomb-Plot Suspect Admits Hizbullah Ties 2013-February-21
Iran Is Just Too Dysfunctional to Cut a Nuclear Deal 2013-February-21
Obama's Israel Trip Is Not about Middle East Peace 2013-February-08
As Syria Crumbles, Israel Prepares for Instability 2013-February-08
Moving to Decision: U.S. Policy toward Iran 2013-February-08
Hizbullah's Syria Problem2013-February-07
Obama to Make First Trip to Israel as President for a "New Beginning"2013-February-06
Don't Let Iran Stall for Time2013-February-06
Hizbullah and the Qods Force in Iran's Shadow War with the West2013-January-31
Increased Russian Oil Sales to China May Impact Iran2013-January-29
Jihadists on the Nile 2013-January-24

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