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International Law

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White House Girds for Battle with Congress over Syria Strike2013-September-02
Frustration and Disgust: International Inaction over Syria2013-September-02
Uganda to Absorb African Migrants from Israel2013-August-30
Outrage: U.S. Returning Artifacts Looted from Iraqi Jews to Iraq, Instead of Lawful Owners2013-August-30
The Case for Humanitarian intervention in Syria: The UK Government Legal Position2013-August-30
No UN Approval for Use of Force in Syria, British Lawmakers Balk at Intervention 2013-August-29
Netherlands Seeks to Block Dutch Involvement in Jerusalem Sewage Treatment Plant 2013-August-26
In Syria, America Loses If Either Side Wins2013-August-26
No One Wants to Compromise with a Thief2013-August-12
International NGOs: "Global Conscience" or Powerful Political Actors?2013-August-09
1,000 Jurists to EU: Settlements Are Legal2013-August-06
Time for U.S. to Recognize Western Jerusalem as Israel 2013-August-02
Syria Lies in Pieces and It Will Not Be Fixed 2013-August-02
House Votes for New Tough Sanctions Against Iran 2013-August-01
New EU Restrictions on Israel Are about Foreign Policy, Not Law2013-July-26
The Baseless Hatred of the EU towards Israel2013-July-18
The Iran-Hizbullah Terror Connection: What Must Be Done 2013-July-12
Argentina Prevents Iranian Terrorism Investigator from Testifying in Washington2013-July-10
International Criminal Court Weighs Probe of Israel over 2010 Marmara Raid 2013-July-09
Preconditions Have No Basis in Law or Fact2013-June-20
Indonesian Lawmaker under Fire for 2013-June-14
Human Rights Lawyer Anne Bayefsky Speaks at UN Human Rights Council 2013-June-13
Sykes-Picot and Israel2013-June-10
Labeling Settler Goods Misses the Mark 2013-June-07
Conflict Resolution through Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East2013-June-07
Manipulating International Law as Part of Anti-Israeli "Lawfare"2013-June-06
Canada's House of Commons Hosts Iran Accountability Week 2013-June-05
The Demise of the Middle East's Borders 2013-May-27
The Legality of Israeli Settlements 2013-May-24
Text of Israel's Report on the Muhammad al-Dura Video 2013-May-22
Will Assad Retreat to an Alawite Coastal Stronghold?2013-May-20
International Criminal Court Launches Inquiry into Israeli Raid on Gaza Flotilla2013-May-16
Iran to Chair UN Conference on Disarmament, U.S. Won't Attend2013-May-14
The Emerging Face of Lawfare: Legal Maneuvering Designed to Hinder the Exposure of Terrorism and Terrorist Financing2013-May-10
Egypt Condemns Israel over Reported Syrian Strikes2013-May-06
What Drone Critics Get Wrong2013-May-03
West Bank Construction and International Law 2013-May-03
The PA Threat of the International Criminal Court 2013-May-02
French Court: Jerusalem Light Rail Project Legal 2013-April-29
Reality Check: The Hazards of Optimism 2013-April-12
Report Warns of Hizbullah, Iran Threats in Balkans2013-April-12
Don't Misunderstand Khamenei's Nuclear Fatwa2013-April-04
Stopping an Undetectable Iranian Bomb 2013-March-27
Understanding the Current State of the Iranian Nuclear Challenge 2013-March-25
Between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, Rachel's Tomb Frequently Under Siege2013-March-22
Biased, Prejudiced, and Unprofessional: The UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission Report on Israeli Settlements2013-March-18
Turkey, Israel and International Law 2013-March-15
Salafis Push for a Puritanical Egypt2013-March-14
Settlements Not Illegal under International Law2013-March-12
UN Human Rights Report Criticizes Palestinians2013-March-08

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