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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Did Netanyahu Pass the Obama Test?2009-June-16
Khamenei's Coup2009-June-15
Iran's Voting Manipulation Industry2009-June-11
Strategic Challenges in a Changing Middle East () 2009-June-10
President Obama Speaks to the World's Muslims2009-June-05
Ayatollah Khamenei: The Real Power in Iran2009-June-02
The Obama-Netanyahu Meeting and Arab-Israeli Peacemaking2009-May-22
Stopping an Iranian Bomb 2009-May-19
Will Russia Help the U.S. with Iran?2009-May-14
Iran Has Changed the Middle East Security Agenda 2009-May-13
U.S. Must Work to Prevent Muslim Radicalization 2009-May-08
Disrupting Tehran's Export of Technology and Weapons 2009-May-01
Throwing the Book at Tehran2009-May-01
Can Syria's Assad Regime Make Peace with Israel?2009-April-24
Egypt's Campaign Against Iran Sends Washington a Signal2009-April-20
Mitchell's Trip to Bypass Damascus 2009-April-16
Misdirected Fire: The UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza 2009-April-07
Prince Nayef Bids for Saudi Throne2009-April-03
The Obama Administration and Implications for Freedom and Democracy in the Middle East 2009-April-03
The New Israeli Government2009-April-01
Examining the Conduct of IDF Operations in Gaza2009-March-30
The Egyptian-Israeli Peace: Lessons for Today2009-March-26
Hizbullah's Narcotics Ties Problematic2009-March-25
Buying Time with Iran: The F-22 Fighter2009-March-20
The Obama Administration Reaches Out to Syria: Implications for Israel2009-March-18
Iran's Ongoing Proxy War in Iraq2009-March-17
The Price of a Palestinian Unity Government2009-March-16
Al-Qaeda's Economic Crisis2009-March-12
Assad: No Full Peace with Syria without Resolution of Palestinian Conflict2009-March-10
Obama Facing Human Rights Challenge in Syria2009-March-10
Preventing a Cascade of Instability: U.S. Engagement to Check Iranian Nuclear Progress2009-March-05
Egypt Not Blocking Gaza Arms Smuggling2009-March-04
Urge Damascus to Come Clean on Nuclear Activity2009-March-03
Global Economic Crisis Boosts Utility of U.S. Sanctions on Syria2009-February-27
The President of Africa 2009-February-25
Hamas' Challenge to the PLO2009-February-10
Experts Dampen Expectations of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal2009-February-05
How Not to Fund Hamas: Scrutinize Those Who Receive U.S. Aid 2009-February-04
Turkey's Turn from the West2009-February-02
Fixing UNRWA: Repairing the UN's Troubled System of Aid to Palestinian Refugees 2009-January-28
Defining a "Prediplomacy" Agenda for U.S.-Mideast Efforts 2009-January-27
Israel's Operation in Gaza2009-January-26
When the Gaza Dust Settles 2009-January-14
Arab Reaction to Gaza Conflict: Anger at Israel, But Scant Support for Hamas2009-January-11
Within Hamas, Hardline Militants Calling Shots in Gaza2009-January-08
Implications of the Gaza Conflict 2009-January-07
Jihadist Groups in Gaza: A Developing Threat 2009-January-06
Holding Hamas Accountable 2009-January-04
Impact of the Gaza Conflict on Palestinian Politics2009-January-02
Israel's Policy Options in the Gaza Conflict2009-January-01

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