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Incentivizing Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families2016-November-17
Europe in Shock after Donald Trump's Victory 2016-November-16
Can Turkey and Israel Reconcile?2016-November-15
Trump's Election Upsets the Palestinian Authority's Diplomatic Campaign Against Israel 2016-November-11
Showtime for the Egyptian President 2016-November-11
Middle East Looks to America for Leadership 2016-November-10
The War of a Million Cuts: The Struggle Against the Delegitimization of Israel and the Jews, and the Growth of New Anti-Semitism2016-November-04
Lebanon under General Michel Aoun2016-November-03
Why Some Palestinian Security Forces Go Rogue2016-November-02
A Growing Rift between Saudi Arabia and Egypt? 2016-October-18
Iranian Missiles in Houthi Hands Threaten Freedom of Navigation in Red Sea2016-October-14
Myths about the "Conquest" of Jerusalem2016-October-14
Why Russia and Iran Are Abetting the Syrian Government 2016-October-11
American BDS Organization Takes Its Case to Capitol Hill 2016-October-10
The Businesses of Mahmoud Abbas and His Sons 2016-September-15
Iran and Saudi Arabia Argue Over Which Is the Holiest City2016-September-13
The Islamic State - the Beginning of the End2016-September-09
Israel's Rights in the Territories under International Law2016-September-08
Dutch Anti-Israel Incitement2016-September-07
The West Must Insist that the Palestinians Change Their Narrative2016-September-06
Egypt and Jordan Fear a Hamas Victory in the West Bank 2016-August-30
Video: Anarchy in the West Bank2016-August-30
Video: Iranian Dissidents Visit Israel, View Iran after the Nuclear Deal2016-August-26
Video: Has the Cultural Boycott of Israel Peaked2016-August-25
Video - King Abdullah: Jordan Is Responsible for Arab Interests in Jerusalem, Not the Palestinians2016-August-24
A Road to Bypass Mahmoud Abbas? 2016-August-23
The PA, Based in Ramallah, Faces Opposition in Other Towns2016-August-22
Video - Israeli Expert: Arab Regime Crackdowns Are Pushing New ISIS Recruiting2016-August-22
Ten False Assumptions Regarding Israel2016-August-16
The Fraying Palestinian Political Entity in the West Bank2016-August-03
The Curious State Department Announcement on Israeli Settlements2016-August-02
Video: The Nature of Radical Islamic Warfare2016-July-29
Ethnic Opposition to Iran's Regime Is on the Rise2016-July-25
One Year after the Iran Nuclear Deal2016-July-21
Why Is France the Preferred Target for Terrorists?2016-July-20
The Ninja Who Beat the Boycott2016-July-15
International Funding for Salaries and Benefits to Terrorists2016-July-14
Turkey's Renewed Interest in Jerusalem2016-July-07
The Post-Brexit Future of European-Israeli Relations2016-July-05
After the Israel-Turkey Agreement, Turkey and Hamas Will Still Collaborate2016-June-27
Video: The Knife and the Message2016-June-24
Arab Peace Initiative Is Negotiable, Saudi Arabia and Jordan Say2016-June-23
Cracks in the Iran-Syria-Hizbullah-Russia Axis2016-June-21
Why the Islamic State Is in Retreat 2016-June-10
Video: U.S. and Russia Succeeding in Decapitating ISIS Leadership2016-June-10
Are Pro-Jordanian Political Forces Organizing among Palestinians in Hebron?2016-June-06
Sykes-Picot and the Zionists 2016-May-24
ISIS and the Dirty Bomb Scenario2016-May-20
The Islamic Revolution Continues beyond Iran's Borders2016-May-19
Video: Why Is Hamas Digging Attack Tunnels2016-May-17

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