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An International Force: Advantages and Disadvantages2006-July-25
A Strategic Assessment of the Hizballah War: Defeating the Iranian-Syrian Axis in Lebanon 2006-July-19
Israel's Stance Could Be Hardening: No Deals 2006-July-07
Israel's Stance Could Be Hardening: No Deals2006-July-07
Deterrence Against Hamas2006-July-06
Russia, Iran, and the Nuclear Question: The Putin Record2006-July-05
Will There Be a Palestinian Civil War?2006-June-26
The Global Range of Iran's Ballistic Missile Program 2006-June-20
The Islamist Threat to Jordan2006-May-26
Israeli Diplomats to Sue Ahmadinejad at International Court of Justice in The Hague2006-May-22
Israel and Europe: The Positive and the Negative2006-May-12
Europe's Response to the Threat of Global Terror2006-April-28
Romanian Society and the Holocaust2006-April-19
The Popular Resistance Committees: Hamas' New Partners?2006-April-17
Contacts With Other Cultures Won't Destroy Your Identity2006-April-07
The EU and Israel: Radically Different Worldviews2006-April-07
U.S. Policy at a Crossroads: The Relevance of the Roadmap in the Aftermath of the Hamas Victory 2006-April-03
Confronting European-Israeli Misunderstandings2006-March-24
The Basis of the U.S.-Israel Alliance: An Israeli Response to the Mearsheimer-Walt Assault 2006-March-24
Global Oil Supply Security and Al-Qaeda's Abortive Attack on Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia2006-March-17
The Mohammed Cartoon Controversy, Israel, and the Jews2006-March-17
Europe: Choosing Between Israel and the Arabs2006-March-10
The Strategic Logic of Israel's Security Barrier2006-March-09
Is Palestinian Statehood Still a Valid Option?2006-March-01
Former IDF Chief of Staff Yaalon: Disengagement Empowered Hamas 2006-February-22
Europe's Distortion of the Meaning of the Shoah's Memory and Its Consequences for the Jews and Israel2006-February-17
After the Hamas Victory: The Increasing Importance of Israel's Strategic Barrier in the Jordan Valley2006-February-08
The Palestinian Authority and the Challenge of Palestinian Elections2006-February-02
Hamas Victory's Impact on Israel2006-January-27
Progress in the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism in Europe2006-January-20
Sharon's Strategic Legacy for Israel: Competing Perspectives 2006-January-13
Israel Bracing for Hamas Terrorism after PA Elections 2006-January-09
"Twin Brothers": European Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism2006-January-09
Poll: Israelis Overwhelmingly Oppose Withdrawals from Strategic Areas 2005-December-30
Fighting Sheikh Zayed's Funding of Islamic Studies at Harvard Divinity School: A Case Study2005-December-23
The Struggle Against Anti-Israel Bias at the UN Commission on Human Rights 2005-December-16
Zarqawi and Israel: Is There a New Jihadi Threat Destabilizing the Eastern Front? 2005-December-15
Will the Next Generation of Palestinians Make Peace with Israel?2005-December-08
Can Diplomacy Still Prevent Iran from Going Nuclear? 2005-December-01
Iran's New Revolutionary Guards Regime: Anti-Americanism, Oil, and Rising International Tension 2005-November-15
French History and Current Attitudes to Israel 2005-November-11
Ahmadinejad Calls for Israel's Elimination and Declares War on the West: A Case Study of Incitement to Genocide2005-November-10
The ICJ Opinion on the Separation Barrier: Designating the Entire West Bank as "Palestinian Territory" 2005-November-07
The 21st Century Total War Against Israel and the Jews: Part One 2005-November-04
America's Hamas Dilemma: Spreading Democracy or Combating Terrorism?2005-November-01
The Murder of Musa Arafat and the Battle for the Spoils of Gaza2005-October-10
What If Iran Gets the Bomb? The Iranian Challenge to the West2005-September-29
Hunting Nazi Criminals; Operation: Last Chance - Interview with Efraim Zuroff2005-September-23
U.S.-Saudi Relations After Hurricane Katrina: Increased Oil Dependency and the Vulnerability of Saudi Oil Installations 2005-September-20
The Academic Boycott of Israel: Why Britain? 2005-September-02

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