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The Iranian Nuclear Threat Is Not Years Away - It Is Now 2021-September-27
Durban Provided the Seed of the BDS Movement2021-September-23
Italy Recognizes Jewish Couple Who Resisted the Nazis 2021-September-23
The Durban Hate-Fest Rears Its Ugly Head Again2021-September-20
New Houthi Attacks on Strategic Targets in Saudi Arabia and Yemen2021-September-15
The Foundations of the Failed Lebanese State 2021-September-15
Video: Today, Saudi Arabia Is Part of the Solution2021-September-13
Iran and the Taliban: Bitter Enemies or Potential Partners 2021-September-06
Iran's New Government: An Assertive Regional Policy and a Firm Stance toward the West2021-September-06
The Taliban's Palestinian Partners: Implications for the Middle East Peace Process 2021-September-06
To Secretary of State Blinken: Repatriating Israeli Captives Is a Basic Humanitarian Right under International Conventions 2021-September-02
Iran Reinforces Aerial Defenses around Its Nuclear Facilities2021-August-30
Is the Gaza Security Perimeter Defunct?2021-August-30
The U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Will International Terrorism Now Be Empowered or Defeated? 2021-August-26
Setting the Agenda for the Bennett-Biden Meeting 2021-August-23
The Lesson from Afghanistan: Israel Must Recognize the Limits of Superpower Support2021-August-23
The Lesson of Afghanistan for Israel: Self-Reliance 2021-August-19
Cancel the Durban IV Review Conference2021-August-19
The "Anti-Semitism/Anti-Israel" Phenomenon: What Do Israeli Campus Professionals Think?2021-August-19
After the Taliban Victory: An Alliance of Moderation for the Middle East 2021-August-19
Iran Is Testing All Boundaries 2021-August-12
Hamas' Advanced Weaponry: Rockets, Artillery, Drones, Cyber 2021-August-12
Israel's "Citizenship and Entry into Israel" Law2021-August-12
Bahraini Think Tank Partners with Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs2021-August-09
Iranian Petroleum Products Will Arrive in Lebanon Soon 2021-August-05
An Open Letter to the Board of Directors of Ben and Jerry's 2021-August-05
Israel's Jordan Policy Misrepresented in the Press 2021-August-05
Israel Enters the Arab World2021-August-05
Iran's Nuclear Program a Central Pillar of Its "Shi'ite Revival" Vision 2021-August-02
Casualties in the 2021 Gaza War: How Many and Who Were They?2021-July-29
To Pray or Not to Pray on the Temple Mount? 2021-July-26
How Turkey and Iran Infiltrate Young American Minds2021-July-26
The "Apartheid" Poll and the Disinformation Discourse 2021-July-22
Hamas' Summer Indoctrination Camps for 50,000 Children 2021-July-15
Rattling Sabers over the Blue Nile: Ethiopia Continues to Fill the Grand Renaissance Dam Reservoir 2021-July-15
Did Israel Lose the Social Media War over Gaza? 2021-July-15
Double Message, Double Standard: Institutions Abandoning the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism Court Danger2021-July-15
A U.S. Consulate for the Palestinians Should Be on Palestinian Territory - Not in Jerusalem 2021-July-15
The Falsehood of "Ethnic Cleansing" by Israel2021-July-12
Jerusalem Think Tank Hosts Conference on European Reactions to the Gaza War2021-July-08
Hamas Works with Hizbullah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War2021-July-08
Lebanon Stands at the Abyss2021-July-08
The Media in the 2021 Gaza War: The New York Times' Journalistic Malpractice2021-July-08
Experts Warn of Iran's Quest for Hegemony2021-July-05
Israel's Unique Public Diplomacy Dilemma 2021-July-01
Hamas' Human Rights Violations in the 2021 Gaza War 2021-July-01
U.S. Should Bypass Palestinian Authority to Provide Aid to Gaza2021-July-01
Prime Minister Bennett Should Nail Down Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights with President Biden2021-July-01
Iran and Hizbullah View the 2021 Gaza War2021-June-28
Expert: U.S. Promise of a "Longer and Stronger" Iran Deal Will Not Happen2021-June-24

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