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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Syria's Summer War and the Fate of the Regime2012-August-15
Mimicking al-Qaeda, Militant Threat Grows in Sinai2012-August-15
Hizbullah's Karma in Syria2012-August-14
Looming U.S.-Iraqi Row over Decision to Release Hizbullah Commander2012-August-09
As Conflict Continues, Assad's Arms Under Strain2012-August-03
Concerns Mount that Israel Is Losing Patience on Iran Plan 2012-August-02
Iran's Support for Terrorism in the Middle East2012-July-26
Intense Fighting Rocks Syrian Capital, Fueling Perceptions of a Turning Point2012-July-18
Syria: How to Advance Transition to a Post-Assad Future2012-July-13
The Syrian Government's Support For and Complicity In Terrorism 2012-July-12
Oil Sanctions Against Iran Will Not Be Enough 2012-July-09
Egypt's Islamist Future2012-July-06
Mounting Pressure on the Syrian Army 2012-July-03
Morsi's Victory in Egypt: Early Implications 2012-June-29
Iran Confident as Sanctions Tighten2012-June-27
How America Can Help Its Friends Make Nice 2012-June-22
Egyptian Military Dissolves Parliament after Court Ruling2012-June-15
Syria Rebels Gaining Ground, Strength2012-June-12
Why a Syrian Civil War Would Be a Disaster for U.S. National Security2012-June-08
Iran's Likely Responses to an Israeli Preventive Strike2012-June-05
What Does the Syrian Opposition Believe?2012-June-01
Russian Orthodox Church Says Protecting Syria's Christians Means Supporting Assad2012-June-01
How Tehran Is Outflanking Washington2012-May-31
Avoiding the Containment Trap with Iran2012-May-23
Prospects for Success in the Iran Nuclear Negotiations2012-May-21
The Iranian Security Threat in the Western Hemisphere: Learning from Past Experience 2012-May-11
Sanctions Are Only a Stop-Gap2012-May-10
Ex-IDF Intelligence Chief: Nuclear Iran More Dangerous than Military Strike2012-May-07
Confronting Damascus: U.S. Policy toward Syria2012-April-30
Are Syrian Alawites and Turkish Alevis the Same?2012-April-27
In Egypt: A Crisis of Confidence 2012-April-19
The Challenge of Containing Iran's Enrichment Activities2012-April-17
Squandered Leverage over Iran2012-April-10
The Muslim Brotherhood's Mendacious Charm Campaign in Washington2012-April-10
The U.S. Can Meet Israel Halfway on Iran2012-April-02
Kofi Annan's Plan for Syria Is Destined to Fail 2012-March-29
Time to Stop Incitement to Murder - Again 2012-March-22
Washington and Israel on Iran: Unresolved Differences 2012-March-19
The End of the "Peace Process"?2012-March-13
No Nuclear Compromise2012-March-09
Avoiding a Bad Nuclear Deal with Iran2012-March-08
Between the Lines of Obama's AIPAC Speech2012-March-07
Military Strike on Iran: Are Obama and Netanyahu Now on the Same Page?2012-March-07
Iran's Majlis Elections: Whoever Wins, the West Loses2012-March-01
Indirect Intervention in Syria2012-February-23
Friendship Under Fire 2012-February-23
A New Wave of Anti-Americanism in Cairo 2012-February-17
Bashar al-Assad vs. the Syrian People 2012-February-16
Turkey vs. Iran 2012-February-16
From the Syria Veto to the Egypt NGO Crisis2012-February-08

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