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Elliott Abrams

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U.S. and Israel: The Manufactured Crisis 2015-March-03
About that Netanyahu Invitation to Address Congress 2015-January-28
The Palestinian Authority's Latest Charade2015-January-06
Israel's Successful Pivot to Asia 2014-December-08
U.S. Policy, Viewed from the Middle East2014-November-03
The New York Times and Israeli Settlements - Again 2014-October-21
The President and New Housing in Jerusalem2014-October-03
UN Peacekeepers on Israel's Border Fled Under Pressure 2014-September-18
Israel and the Arab World: Alliances of Convenience in a Long War2014-September-04
Who Won the Gaza War?2014-September-02
The Gaza War and the Feeble PA2014-August-03
Why Did Hamas Provoke a War?2014-July-10
Facts on the Ground: Inside Israel's Settlement Slowdown2014-June-27
Dangerous Unity: The Perils of the New Fatah-Hamas Government2014-June-11
U.S. Reviewing Hamas Role in PA Government 2014-June-06
Blaming Israel Again2014-May-19
Martin's Myths2014-May-12
Will Kerry Continue the Peace Negotiations If Hamas and Fatah Unite? 2014-April-25
Hamas Is the Greatest Obstacle to Peace 2014-April-17
Blaming Israel 2014-April-14
The Jonathan Pollard Trial Balloon 2014-April-02
Israel Gets No Credit from Obama for a Year of Moderate Settlement Construction 2014-March-14
The Cost of the "Peace Process"2014-February-14
Aiming for Israeli-Palestinian Peace 2014-January-17
Negotiating with Revolutionary Iran2013-November-15
Is the U.S. Spilling Its Allies' Secrets?2013-November-04
What Is the U.S. Position Regarding the Legality of Israeli Settlements?2013-October-30
Book Review: Israel's 55th Paratroop Brigade 2013-October-04
Are the U.S. and Israel Playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with Iran? 2013-October-03
Can Israel Depend on U.S. Security Guarantees? 2013-August-13
Mideast Peace Talks Begin Amid Doubts on All Sides2013-July-30
What If Israelis and Palestinians Get to the Table?2013-July-03
Where Are the Palestinian Concessions?2013-June-28
Why Europe Can't Bring Peace to the Middle East2013-April-22
Are Iran Sanctions Working? 2013-February-22
Obama's Trip to Jerusalem and the "Peace Process"2013-February-13
Bombing the Syrian Reactor: The Untold Story 2013-February-08
Ramallah and Riyadh 2013-January-11
Arafat and the Second Intifada2013-January-07
Is Al-Jazeera a News Network?2013-January-04
Is Education a Threat to Peace?2012-December-31
At the UN: Nine Resolutions Against Israel, Silence about Syrian Attacks on Palestinians 2012-December-21
Much Ado about Little: The E-1 Controversy 2012-December-05
The Gaza War and Its Fallout2012-November-28
Israel and Hamas: The Diplomatic Dance Behind the Deal2012-November-23
Hamas Decided to Create a Crisis2012-November-19
Anti-Semitism Virulent in Egypt2012-November-02
Israel and Gaza2012-October-29
Riots, Rage, Videos, and Free Speech2012-September-28
Time to Authorize Use of Force Against Iran 2012-August-23

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