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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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The End of the Peace Process 2009-December-10
When Islamist Foreign Policies Hurt Muslims2009-December-08
Syria and Turkey: Walking Arm in Arm Down the Same Road?2009-December-04
Israel's Gamble in a Prisoner Swap 2009-November-25
Israel and PA Have Convergence of Interests to Stop Hamas 2009-November-20
The Implications of Long-Range Hamas Rockets2009-November-19
The End of the Peace Process2009-November-18
Obama Administration Mugged by Reality in Middle East2009-November-17
Palestinians Refusing to Negotiate for a Palestinian State 2009-November-13
Iran and Hizbullah: Significance of the Arms Ship Interception 2009-November-13
The Second Lebanon War and Its Repercussions 2009-November-13
Who's Really Running Iran's Pro-Democracy Movement?2009-November-06
Iran's Nuclear Program and Israel 2009-November-06
Iranian Missile and Outer Space Programs: Assessing Present and Future Capabilities2009-November-05
The Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey: A Surfacing Submarine2009-October-28
Is Turkey Leaving the West?2009-October-27
Bringing in Hamas Will Undo the Peace Process2009-October-23
The Hidden Costs of the Nuke Deal with Iran2009-October-22
The Iranian Regime's Political Opponents Would Back Sanctions2009-October-15
Hamas in Combat2009-October-09
If Iran Can't Be Stopped Now, All Bets Are Off2009-September-30
Restarting the Middle East Peace Process2009-September-29
Syria Reorganizes Intelligence Services2009-September-25
Breaking Stalemates on Iran and Syria at the IAEA 2009-September-24
Diplomatic Engagement with Syria 2009-September-15
Despite Washington's Conciliatory Steps, Damascus Remains Intransigent2009-September-11
Time to Get Serious about Helping Iran's Opposition 2009-September-11
Any U.S. Distancing from Israel Strengthens Islamists2009-September-11
Palestinian Recognition of the Jewish State2009-September-04
Rejectionists Readying to Counter U.S. Peace Push 2009-September-02
Ahmadinejad's New Cabinet: Loyalists and Radicals 2009-August-25
Cracking Down on Iran's Illicit Trade2009-August-20
Engaging Iran on Human Rights2009-August-18
Fatah Congress: Will New Resolutions Mean a New Direction?2009-August-17
Reality Contradicts New Hamas Spin2009-August-13
Survivor: Saudi Royal Edition2009-August-13
No Expansion vs. Freeze: Obama's Dilemma over Israeli Settlements 2009-August-10
Where Have All the Palestinian Moderates Gone?2009-August-05
Minimizing Potential Threats from Iran: Assessing Economic Sanctions2009-July-31
The United States as an Honest Broker2009-July-29
For Middle East Peace, Think Small2009-July-29
Iran's Vulnerability to Foreign Economic Pressure2009-July-27
How to Overcome the Settlements Impasse 2009-July-24
Saudi Efforts to Combat Terrorist Financing2009-July-22
Targeting Human Rights Abuse in Iran 2009-July-17
And if Iran Doesn't Want to Talk?2009-July-16
Shiite Clerical Establishment Supports Khamenei2009-July-09
The Security Forces of the Islamic Republic and the Fate of the Opposition 2009-June-26
Hizbullah Seen as Bigger Threat to U.S. than Al-Qaeda 2009-June-26
Assessing the Record of Hamas Ceasefires2009-June-17

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