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The Cultural Gap between the West and the Muslim World2011-May-13
The Reconciliation Agreement between Fatah and Hamas - An Initial Evaluation 2011-May-09
Major Knesset Debates, 1948-1981 2011-May-09
The Unnatural Fatah-Hamas Agreement 2011-May-02
Countdown to September: Israel, the Palestinians, and the UN General Assembly2011-May-02
The Fatah-Hamas Agreement: Analysis and Initial Consequences 2011-April-29
The Jewish Conspiracy: A Strategic Weapon to Demonize Jews and Delegitimize Israel 2011-April-29
Israel Eyes Turmoil in Syria2011-April-26
New Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby Reveals Disturbing Foreign Policy Trends2011-April-18
The European Union: Challenges for Israeli Diplomacy 2011-April-15
Why Did Goldstone Change His Mind?2011-April-14
Can America Block Iran's Drive for Regional Hegemony? 2011-April-12
The "Arab Spring" and the Demise of Land Day2011-April-08
An Iranian Intelligence Failure: Arms Ship in Nigeria Reveals Iran's Penetration of West Africa2011-April-08
Judge Goldstone's Turnabout - What Next?2011-April-07
Report to Congress on Israel's Requirements for Defensible Borders in a Rapidly Changing Middle East2011-April-06
The Palestinian UN Gamble - Irresponsible and Ill-Advised2011-April-04
Are the Palestinians Ready for Peace? Palestinian Incitement as a Violation of International Legal Norms 2011-March-22
Accountability of Hamas Under International Humanitarian Law 2011-March-18
Palestinian Incitement: The Real "Deal Breaker" 2011-March-16
How Israel Could Revolutionize the Global Energy Sector 2011-March-11
Pressures Build Inside Fatah Ahead of Palestinian State Declaration 2011-March-10
An Arab World in Ruins or a New Regional Beginning?2011-March-09
Is Iran a Role Model for Arab Revolutions?2011-March-08
The Danger of Relying on Cold War Deterrence in the Case of a Nuclear Iran2011-March-07
The International Context of the U.S. Veto at the UN Security Council - Interview with Dore Gold by Michael Tuchfeld2011-March-01
Libya: The End of the "L'enfant Terrible"?2011-February-24
U.S. Policy on Israeli Settlements2011-February-22
Could the Kingdom of Bahrain Become an Iranian Pearl Harbor? 2011-February-21
The Iranians Head for the Suez Canal2011-February-18
The Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Under Field Marshal Tantawi: A Recipe for Revolution or More of the Same? 2011-February-16
End of an Era in Egypt2011-February-14
Saudi Arabia Contends with the Social Media Challenge 2011-February-08
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: In Their Own Words2011-February-07
Iran Views the Egyptian Revolution as the Direct Continuation of Khomeini's Revolution2011-February-03
Is ElBaradei a "Donkey of the Revolution"?2011-February-02
How the Israeli Press is Interpreting Obama's Policy on Egypt 2011-January-31
Mubarak Will Have to Pay a Significant Price2011-January-28
The Palestine Papers: Al-Jazeera Has an Agenda 2011-January-27
Iran Changes the Balance of Power in Lebanon2011-January-25
Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla 2011-January-24
Where Is Tunisia Heading? 2011-January-21
Sunni vs. Shiite in Saudi Arabia 2011-January-18
Tunisia - Arab World's First Popular Uprising 2011-January-17
UK to Jerusalem: Request Probe of Group "with Hamas Ties" 2011-January-17
Iran Sends a Signal to Obama through Beirut 2011-January-13
Iran Steps Up Arming Hizbullah Against Israel 2011-January-11
The Economist's Indecent Proposal 2011-January-10
The Settlements Issue: Distorting the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords2011-January-05
Talking to Hamas? - Increasing Expressions of Genocidal Intent by Hamas Leaders Against the Jews2011-January-03

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