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International Law

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Israel Condemns Ben and Jerry's Boycott Decision2021-July-22
In Spyware Case, Defense Minister Says Israel Complies with International Law 2021-July-22
Ben and Jerry's Decision Will Have Consequences 2021-July-22
Opening a U.S. Consulate to the Palestinian Authority on Israeli Territory Undermines Its Sovereignty 2021-July-19
What on Earth Is the Problem with a Jewish Majority in Israel? 2021-July-19
A U.S. Consulate for the Palestinians Should Be on Palestinian Territory - Not in Jerusalem 2021-July-15
West Point Scholar Says IDF Strike on Gaza Building Housing Foreign Media Was Legal2021-July-12
Iran as a Challenge to Jerusalem and Washington 2021-July-01
Israel's Unique Public Diplomacy Dilemma 2021-July-01
Hamas' Human Rights Violations in the 2021 Gaza War 2021-July-01
Hold Hamas Accountable for Human-Shields Use during the 2021 Gaza War2021-June-24
Abbas Appears Emboldened by Resumption of U.S. Aid, Cracks Down on Rivals 2021-June-24
Iran's New Hard-Line President Poised for Pivotal Role in Nuclear Talks 2021-June-21
IDF: Hamas Was Using Gaza Media Tower to Disrupt Iron Dome Missile Defense System2021-June-10
There Are Key Moral Differences between Israel and Its Enemies2021-June-10
Hamas' War Crimes and Israel's Right to Self-Defense2021-June-03
The Human Rights of Israeli Civilians Are Beyond the Scope of the UN Human Rights Council2021-May-27
The Big Lie: There Is No Ethnic Cleansing Going On in Gaza or the West Bank2021-May-27
Back to Iran's Nuclear Future 2021-May-24
Hamas Targets Civilians, Israel Targets Terrorists 2021-May-21
Hamas' Rocket Barrage Is a Blatant Act of Aggression under International Law2021-May-20
U.S. Vetoes Security Council Resolution on Gaza that Did Not Mention Rocket Fire at Israel 2021-May-18
Almost Nothing You've Heard about Evictions in Jerusalem Is True 2021-May-16
Israel Foreign Ministry: Israel Is Protecting Its Citizens from a Wave of Terror Instigated by Hamas2021-May-14
Jewish Leaders Denounce Palestinian Incitement, Violence, and Rocket Attacks2021-May-11
Understanding the Current Sheikh Jarrah (Jerusalem) Property Dispute2021-May-11
Fox News Mangles Reporting on Sheikh Jarrah2021-May-11
U.S. Acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide: Implications for Current Genocidal Threats2021-May-06
What Does the Return of the "Two-State Solution" Mean?2021-April-26
Israel Would Support a Different Iran Deal 2021-April-19
Is Now Really the Time to Revive the Iran Nuclear Deal?2021-April-19
Israel Tells ICC It Has No Jurisdiction to Probe Alleged War Crimes 2021-April-12
Biden's Israeli-Palestinian Reset Is Premature, Ill-Advised2021-April-05
U.S.: PA Tortured Participants in American-Led 2019 Bahrain Conference2021-April-01
Palestinians Funneled Hundreds of Millions to Terrorists, State Department Report Reveals2021-March-25
The Oslo Accords Directly Address the Vaccine Issue2021-March-25
IDF Chief of Staff Criticizes ICC War Crimes Probe of Israel2021-March-22
The ICC: What Happens Next? 2021-March-08
U.S. Law on Congressional Review Could Complicate Return to Iran Deal 2021-March-04
UK Silence over ICC Is Problematic2021-March-04
Is Israel Legally Obligated to Provide Palestinians with Vaccines?2021-March-01
The International Criminal Court Violates International Law2021-February-18
Time for a Palestinian Reckoning2021-February-18
British Lawyer Karim Khan Elected Next ICC Prosecutor2021-February-15
Israeli Attorney General: ICC Has No Authority over Israel 2021-February-11
Israel Must Fight Back Against the ICC and Not Be Intimidated by Its Charges2021-February-11
ICC Rules It Has Jurisdiction to Examine Possible Israel War Crimes2021-February-08
Jewish Leaders Denounce ICC Ruling2021-February-08
The International Criminal Court's Flawed Decision to Recognize ICC Jurisdiction over the Territories 2021-February-08
U.S. Should Hold the ICC and Palestinian Leaders Accountable 2021-February-08

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