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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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Russian S-300 Missiles to Iran: A Game-Changer? 2015-September-04
Palestinian Views on Israel: Two States Now, One State Later 2015-September-04
How the Iran Deal Could Complicate U.S. Efforts to Prevent a Nuclear Breakout2015-September-01
Abbas Heats Up Palestinian Politics in PLO Reshuffle Bid 2015-August-28
Securing the Sinai Multinational Force without a U.S. Drawdown2015-August-28
Questions for President Obama about Iran2015-August-28
What Happens If Congress Says No to the Iran Deal?2015-August-19
Poll: Palestinians Support Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad 2015-August-13
A "No" Vote on the Iran Nuclear Agreement May Have Limited Practical Impact2015-August-11
How Iran Plans to Destroy Israel2015-August-11
Implications of the Iran Agreement for U.S. Policy in the Middle East2015-August-07
New eBook: Winning the War of Words - Essays on Zionism and Israel2015-August-07
Assessing the Iran Nuclear Agreement2015-August-05
Mounting Shiite Casualties in Syria 2015-August-04
Poll: Palestinians Say Even After Two-State Solution, Resistance Should Continue Until All of Historic Palestine Is Liberated 2015-August-03
Israel Confronts the Iran Nuclear Deal 2015-July-31
U.S. and Israel Must Continue to Cooperate on Security and Intelligence2015-July-30
How Regional Intervention Is Transforming Hizbullah 2015-July-28
The Risk in Lifting Sanctions, and Pressure, on Iran Weapons Activities2015-July-22
Inside Hizbullah's European Plots2015-July-21
Iran Media Warn Against Optimism in Wake of Deal2015-July-17
We Should Not Let Euphoria about the Iran Nuclear Deal Cloud Our Judgment2015-July-17
Iran Nuclear Deal Leaves Big Questions2015-July-15
Missiles and the Nuclear Negotiations with Iran 2015-July-07
The Palestinian Case Against BDS2015-July-03
Can We Trust How Iran Would Spend Funds from a Nuclear Deal?2015-July-01
How to Salvage Some Security from the Botched Iran Deal2015-July-01
Bipartisan Statement on U.S. Policy toward the Iran Nuclear Negotiations2015-June-25
Judging Whether the Iran Deal Is Acceptable 2015-June-19
U.S. Seen "Moving the Goal Posts" on Iran's Past Military Nuclear Work 2015-June-18
How to Make Sure Iran's One-Year Nuclear Breakout Time Does Not Shrink2015-June-18
Contextualizing Israeli Concerns about the Iran Nuclear Deal 2015-June-05
The Crisis of the Assad Regime 2015-May-29
Khamenei's Nuclear Instructions: Public Versus Private2015-May-29
BDS' Useless Politics of Confrontation2015-May-25
Deterring an Iranian Nuclear Breakout 2015-May-22
Khamenei Is Not Preparing the Iranian Public for Compromise 2015-May-22
Hizbullah in Syria: Winning the Battle, Losing the War2015-May-22
Top Member of U.S. Negotiating Team: Most West Bank Housing Tenders Announced During Peace Talks Were on Land Abbas Agreed Would Remain Israeli2015-May-13
Assuring Uneasy Gulf Allies: The Military Dimension2015-May-08
The Islamic State on Defense2015-May-05
Netanyahu: "No Iran Deal Is Better than This Bad Deal"2015-May-04
Why America Needs Israel 2015-May-01
Iran Won't Give Up on Its Revolution2015-April-27
Classic Blood Libel Against Jews Goes Mainstream in Iran2015-April-24
The Iranian Deal in Middle Eastern Geopolitics2015-April-09
How Iran Outmaneuvered the U.S. in Nuclear Talks 2015-April-07
Israel Believes Washington Did Not Maximize Its Leverage with Iran 2015-April-07
Khamenei's Silence2015-April-06
The Battle for Idlib, Syria: Military Implications2015-April-01

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