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Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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The Timeframe for Preventing Iran's Nuclearization2005-May-27
The Timeframe for Preventing Iran's Nuclearization2005-May-27
A Crawl Toward Mideast Peace 2005-May-13
A Widening Expectations Gap between Israelis and Palestinians2005-April-22
Countdown to Disengagement 2005-April-20
Gaza: Moving Forward by Pulling Back2005-April-14
Assessing the Upcoming Bush-Sharon Summit: Clarifying Ambiguity2005-April-11
The Hizballah Conundrum2005-April-08
The Hizballah Conundrum2005-April-08
Syrian Strategy in Lebanon2005-March-29
Withdrawal Without Reward2005-March-25
What Role for the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria's Future?2005-March-15
Preventing Iran and Hizballah from Filling the Void in Lebanon2005-March-11
Israel's Newly Approved Security Fence Route: Geography and Demography2005-March-04
Security, Reform, and Peace: The Three Pillars of U.S. Strategy in the Middle East2005-February-25
Consolidating the Palestinian-Israeli Ceasefire2005-February-18
Lights, Camera, Inaction? Saudi Arabia's Counterterrorism Conference2005-February-15
Sustaining an Israeli-Palestinian Cease-Fire2005-February-11
Prospects for Security, Peace, and Reform in the Abbas Era2005-February-10
Saudi Arabia and Oil: Coping with the Challenge of Osama bin Laden2005-February-03
No Grace Period for Newly Elected Abbas 2005-January-27
Palestinian Stirrings2005-January-03
When Minorities Rule in the Middle East - Historical Realities 2004-December-31
Are All Politics Local? A Look at Palestinian Municipal Elections Results2004-December-29
Challenges Facing a New Palestinian President 2004-December-17
Deciphering Post-Arafat Palestinian Politics 2004-December-17
The End of the Peace Process2004-December-10
Saudi Stability in the Shadow of the U.S. Consulate Attack in Jeddah 2004-December-09
U.S. Islamic Charity a "Money-Laundering Clearinghouse"2004-December-07
Promoting a Ceasefire on the Palestinian-Israeli Front 2004-December-02
Analyzing King Abdullah's Change in the Line of Succession2004-November-30
How to Block Hizballah's Al-Manar Television2004-November-25
Powell Still Popular with Jews2004-November-19
Arafat's Troubled Legacy2004-November-16
A Multifaceted Unilateralism 2004-October-22
Injustice in Gaza2004-October-20
The Palestinian Intifada: Lessons and Prospects (Part II)2004-October-15
Terror on the UN Payroll? 2004-October-14
The Palestinian Intifada: Lessons and Prospects2004-October-01
A Conversation on Middle East Peacemaking2004-September-24
A Delicate Dance in the Mideast2004-September-14
The 9/11 Commission Report2004-September-03
Indicting Hamas: By Disrupting Its Operations, Does the West Become a Target? 2004-August-27
Hamas Leader, 2 Others Indicted2004-August-23
The Latest Challenge from Al-Sadr2004-August-19
Arafat Survives for Now, Amid Divided Fatah Opposition2004-August-10
Lessons from the Front Line in the Battle for "Hearts and Minds" 2004-August-05
Nablus: A City of Chaos2004-August-03
Assessing the Current Challenge to Arafat2004-July-27
Unilaterally Constructed Barriers in Contested Areas2004-July-09

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